
I hope that line about returning Star Trek to its "roots" is just public relations BS, because if there's one thing Star Trek doesn't need, it's a return to its roots. They tried that with Enterprise, and while not an unmitigated disaster, it wasn't what the franchise needed.

I only know Munn from the two times she showed up on the Daily Show, so I have no expectations, good or bad.

How about "Uh Oh, Love Comes to Town"? It's the first song off their first album, for cryin' out loud!

Here's hoping for a remix of "Jedi Rocks"

I didn't say it wasn't effective.

If anyone tried to mimic the poses artists put Psylocke in during the 90s, it would have resulted in broken backs and other potential injuries.

So they're pretty much selling this film on the strength of Olivia Munn's cleavage, right?

Hating Coldplay is old hat by now. Hell, I remember first hating them the moment I heard "Yellow" on the radio. You really should try to get in on the ground floor when it comes to hating milquetoast rock bands.


Jeremy "Always-a-Bridesmaid-Never-a-Bride" Renner.

Almost Human had potential, goddamnit! Plus, I want to know what the hell was beyond that wall!?

Deadpool as a character feels instantly dated to the 90s. So I guess it makes sense that he's getting his own film around the same time that there's something of a 90s revival.

Eight years of being wrong isn't something to brag about.

I'm not going to lie. I loved The Lost Treasure of Atlantis MacGuyver movie as a kid. I think it aired after the series ended, so it was like a little bonus for us MaGuyver fans.

They're only political in the sense that all art is "political." I get people who think their work is too cynical or smug, but conservative (and cryptoconservative at that!) is a new one.

I'm a little confused by the cryptoconservative line. Sure, the Coens have been existentialists from time to time, but I'm not sure I would call them conservative. Hell, I would call them nihilists before I would call them conservative.

I'm no masochist.

I just started to watch this show on Hulu, and now it's been cancelled. Sometimes I feel like my interest in a show automatically leads to the show's early cancellation. I think this is also why the Browns suck.

Yeah, but The Insider was a prestige picture that was up for best picture. And as much as I like moments in The Man with the Iron Fist, it wasn't going to garner any Academy attention. Still, the man just might be dedicated to his craft.

I've listened to a couple of songs from this play to see what the big deal is. Shit still sounds corny to me.