You break it, I fix it.

Rent a legit costume to dress up like Darth Vader, drive in traffic. See if you make the news.

Oh this is an add-on? I thought it was something to do with the battery. AGREED - these need to be banned. So annoying and distracting

The automatic flashing headlight, typically seen on Goldwings more than anything... I get it, you want people to see you, but it’s a little too effective and crosses the line into being an annoyance for others on the road.

Like the other poster said, you really need to read more about actual laws than what you believe. Pedestrians are quite legally allowed to walk on roads if there is no sidewalk. In fact, the law goes further to state they should walk against the direction of traffic.

Motorcycles aren't dangerous. In fact, as long as you know what you're doing, it is very reasonably safe. What is dangerous are people that don't pay attention to their surroundings. People that are on their cell phones at every red light. People that text or talk while they are driving. People that are fiddling with

I was talking about roads in general, particularly those with traffic lights since that's where lane splitting is most common. There are no traffic lights on your pedestrian-free highways.

Not dangerous at all, no seriously. What is dangerous is morons like you who never use a mirror, never LOOK around and have that phone shoved in your ear. Truth hurts but the problem is every cage monkey out there. That would be YOU being the problem, self righteous dinks.

Should have saved a lot of lives and banned car drivers under age 21 and over age 60 - given how many accidents and deaths are attributed to those age group drivers (quite a few more than motorcyclists).

And people still die in cars. And on bikes. And on trains and planes and walking to the mailbox. So saying something is inherently unsafe, which, frankly, most things are, doesn't automatically make it ridiculous and bad. The difference in safety between a bike and a car is pretty simple. In a car, the car does the

Because they aren't cars.

what's with people these days wanting to ban everything they don't like and wanting the government to protect everyone from themselves?

Take this torque curve with a HUGE grain of salt. Check the X-Axis, the units are in road speed. This means they weren't able to get a proper tach signal on the motor. So they're either measuring torque at the wheels, or the dyno software is just extrapolating what it thinks the motor torque is.

Is he trying to put that in the trunk of his 911? You know, the one in back where the engine is?

I know it's none of our effing business but letters like this just irritate me further. As a massive F1 and Schumi fan I selfishly just want to know how he's doing, what condition he's in and when/if a recovery is possible. Again - It's none of my business, but this just strikes me as so secretive and manipulative.