
Well if I understand correctly, R* NY is more business/publishing/marketing/etc and their other locations do more of the actual game development. R* North is in Scotland.

Yeah....I first read that as "death-sentenced."

Well, there goes pretty much the largest development studio in Manhattan. Even if Homefront's reception was a catalyst to THQ's shutting them down, the cost of operating there had to have been a factor as well. Hope everyone at Kaos is swiftly reemployed.

Totilo's on mah TV! Waaaaaaaa

That picture is amazing.

Well, you've got a couple other maybe's on that list in the way of Mario 3DS, Alan Wake, MGS Rising, Last Guardian, etc. I guess what I'm saying is yes, I do want you to get my hopes up. What else is E3 for other than shattering fanboys' dreams?

And then Bungie will show off their new title, a gritty reboot of Tetris?

Any chance we'll see anything related to Beyond Good & Evil 2?

Thanks, but I still find it disappointing the books/games aren't about colors.

Wow, thanks Xazi2003! (and thanks Wikipedia!)

I just realized that this series is called Rainbow Six, and there seven colors in the rainbow.

Huh, I was expecting to see a succession of hats. Interesting nonetheless.

Hey, you sass that hoopy Hothead Games? They're a bunch of froods who know where their towels are.

Eh, I feel like Kotaku hasn't really mentioned him much ever since Crecente's interview with him last year. That, or some PR reps over at Activision put a leash on him. Either way he's not in the headlines anymore.

And then there were three: Kotaku, Caketaku, and now, at long last, Hat-taku.

This smells particularly photoshop-contest-y to me. Quick! Someone make me a Nighthawks/LA Noire mashup STAT!

Followed by a 9.4 from Gametrailers, five stars from Giant Bomb, and a "you should buy this!" from Kotaku.

So hungry for LA Noire reviews........