
Why doesn't DC put something on HBO? I mean they are under the same umbrella, Game of Thrones is ending. Why not get some of that HBO talent get their hands on some DC stuff?

It'll probably be available on the service.

You know what it reminded me of (and maybe this is bad). It reminded me of Gone Girl. You know how, Amy had this elaborate plot to get back at her husband, by creating this whole plot then killing herself.

Did anyone else think this was a bit self indulgent? I mean, homegirl kills herself but before she does she spends countless hours recording her story about why she does it. It just screams: "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME" Then she's makes this elaborate plan for all the people who hurt her to feel guilty about what they did.

They revealed Savitar's true plan all along during the first 5 minutes. Clearly Savitar kills Iris, so he can still Ceclia's Hamilton tickets.

Look if your man is singing a sappy song to you then gets down on one knee it's ALWAYS going to be shocking. My Dad re-proposed to my Mom for an anniversary and she was shocked/surprised. I was like "Ma, yall have been married for over 25 years" She told me, getting proposed to is always shocking no matter what. I

Bruh who you kidding? Runnin Home to You was beautiful. I totally bought into the Barry and Iris romance with that. It was too cute.

It shouldn't even get to that point. Zack Snyder better not get Vaughn's phone number and/or email address and he sure as hell doesn't need to talk to him in person. He shouldn't be told where/when the meetings are, shouldn't even be allowed on set. He should get the Jon Peters treatment.

We already have our Vaughn Bond, in Kingsmen. That whole movie was a love letter to classic Bond; crude end joke included.

Vaughn's no fool. If he signs on it's because WB gives him full control to tell Zack Snyder to kick rocks if he wants to offer advice. He'll probably get to keep or get rid of whatever he wants too. Hell he can probably act like MOS, BvS and JL if he's smart.

Uh Oh, Finn is going taking a page out of the DCEU handbook: "It's for the FANS not the critics" hell the DCEU didn't' play the race card

All this has to do is be competent and coherent. This doesn't have to be brilliant. If this is as good as say, The Mummy movie from the 90s, where it's mildly entertaining it'll be the biggest success of the DCEU. People will forgive it. It's the first real female driven superhero of this golden age of comic book

Keep them low. If you do, you'll probably end up presently surprised. That's what I keep telling myself.

Warner's is creating a cartoon streaming service. Does this mean that Young Justice season 3 will be on this service and not Netflix? I mean why would they put it on Netflix if they have their own service. Maybe it'll air on Cartoon Network week to week but if you already have the service all the episodes on there.

The game was on UPN so was Girlfriends then crossed over when they merged with WB. Everybody Hates Chris was a sitcom so that doesn't count

Trust Barry? WHy would anyone do that at this point? In the Runaway Dinosaur (The Flash's best episode) we all thought he finally moved past all the shit he went through.

Iris deserves better. We got a black actress as the lead of a CW show. a BLACK ACTRESS on CW. When has that ever happened?

Bro they killed off Barry for 30 years and Wally was the Flash. GTFO with that


King Shark is a meta human. Grodd is a animal