
True. She has my empathy too.

I said this on Pajiba and got destroyed for it. Because no one cares about context and getting the full story. His ex-wife selected quotes from the private letter that would cause the most controversy, instead of releasing the full letter.

If you would have told me a year ago that Zack Snyder would become a more sympathetic figure on the internet than Joss Whedon, I would have laughed in your face.

Why not. It's not my money. Besides, WB has a pretty weak Awards slate. They have Dunkirk and the Lego Batman movie for Animation. I'd add Wonder Woman in my Award Season planning too. Maybe Blade Runner 2049 if that's received well.

Um Wonder Woman is doing AMAZING at the box office. In the next few weeks it'll overtake GotGv2 as the biggest domestic movie of the summer. It's the biggest movie ever directed by a Woman. It's going to pass Suicide Squad's total number which is 745, WW is expected to reach 750 in the next two weeks. It's going to

My heart broke during the flashbacks to Michael. I'm never getting over it. Speaking of Michael. When the hell is someone going to mention that Rose KILLED Michael?

Her agents should be on the phone with the CW right now, trying to get her on Supergirl season 3, AS BATGIRL. There were several hints at Batman throughout the season. Why not use Batgirl, Kara could use another female friend

Have we forgotten that Rose KILLED MICHAEL. How come no one seems to mention this? Rose needs to die and die slowly. Luisa, I use to like her, but she is complicit in aiding and abetting Michael Cordero's murderer and that aint cool. If she's down with Rose (literally and figuratively) then she can die slow too.

Riverdale has become the Betty and Alice Cooper show, and I'm totally down for it. Alice is the best adult character and Betty is the best teen. They could have their own show together solving crimes and getting on each others nerves and I'd be there for it.


Sucks for you then. We have one shot at this life, might as well enjoy what you enjoy. Especially if said thing isn't Harmful to other people. Yall are just mad that he likes a movie you hate and yall have been behaving like a bunch of bullies belittling his opinion cause it differs from yours.

Clearly you didn't enjoy Cowboys and Aliens as much as he enjoyed MOS. It happens.

Or maybe it is the best he's seen. You don't know him. You don't decide what he likes or what he considers the best. What the heck is wrong with you? He enjoyed the movie, it's one of the best HE'S seen. Emphasis on HIM. Not YOU.

You did. These people can't take the idea that someone likes a DCEU movie and explains why they like it in calm and insightful manner. They strike back with snark then get mad when you clap back. It's sad.

Nah. He can like what he likes and explain why he likes it. Aint nothing wrong with that. I could understand if he was being obnoxious but he's not. His opinion and thoughts on the movie are just as valid as yours.

How is that fanatical. He clearly thought out his comment. Everything he said is reasonable.

Seriously, this dude is showing straight class in this discussion. The only asshole here is you. Dragging on the dude's opinion. I could understand if this guy was being obnoxious but the only obnoxious asshole here is you.

Good for you. Pre-BvS I really liked MOS. Granted I know it had issues, but they could have easily been addressed in a proper sequel. BvS kinda killed the movie for me. That thing was a disaster.

Fuck you that. The man can like what he likes. He stated his case well. He's obviously put some thought into his answer and why he likes it. Respect the man's opinion.

Fuck Louisa. She and Rose are the reasons Michael is DEAD. Fuck her, fuck Rose, especially Rose, she needs to die and die painfully.