

Okay, can someone please explain to me why everybody was against killing Grodd? He's a Gorilla. I mean, let's be real here, there's a difference between human life and animal life. There just is. Killing Grodd is not some moral dilemma ala Harambe (RIP Harambe). Grodd is a sociopathic ape bent on killing people.

Okay, I'm Team Michael Forever, and although I was devastated by his—unnecessary—death I always took solace in the fact that Jane chose him and that she wanted forever with him over anyone else. It's that reason why I don't mind the idea of Jane and Raf getting back together. Although I'm going to need it to be a

Thank you OMG. This hatred of Mon-El and this notion that he's some sort of psycho abusive Mel Gibson/Chris Brown/Bill Cosby alien is SOOO annoying.

She did mention that she was happy she could kiss someone without breaking their nose. She apparently broke 4 guys noses. I don't think she's a virigin.

Mon-El is getting annoying now. It was cute for a while and now it's just old. I do like that he challenges Kara and isn't here for her all her "I can get away with anything cause I'm so damn cute and sickeningly charming".

Where is the abuse? Please let me know because folks have been saying this but I just don't see it.

Quick Question, so apparently in the Supergirl Tumblr Fandom there's this notion that Mon-El is a toxic male character who is abusive to Kara and presents a horrible model for young girls.

To be fair, Raf's probably paying for his preschool. Probably pays for food, clothes, anything Mateo might need. Jane has to have a job for herself to take care of herself. Jane is the type of woman that uses the child support for the CHILD and not her.

Who here is of the mind, that JTV or JTW is leading towards Jane writing a telenovella based on her life called Lane the Virgin or something? Like at some point, she's going to cast herself, Raf and Michael (boy every time they mentioned his name my heart broke). That's what's going to happen right?

To be fair there's a petition to kick him out of the DCEU and that has 18,000 signatures. So there's WAY more people who want him out then to keep him in. So more people in the DC Fandom know what quality is

That moment when you realize a video game trailer has more emotional gravitas, better character motivation and more nuance than 250 million dollar blockbuster called Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice.
I mean seriously folks go and watch the cutscenes for Injustice and then try to watch BvS. There's a clear winner here.

Maybe Clark wanted Kara to be raised by humans like he was. That way she'll learn to love humanity by being somewhat apart of it like he did. If Kara stayed with Clark then she wouldn't be emotionally invested in humanity. She'd look at humanity as an outsider.

Goyer can only be blamed for MOS. His BvS script was comletely re-written by Academy Award winner Chris Terrio. I agree with the man's statement that state of disarray DC/WB is currently in is Snyder's fault. He shaped the universe. Made Batman a murderer, he doesn't uhderstand Superman, and just look at his Aquaman.

The New 52 Superman was a disaster

I've said it before and I'll say it again, WB could announce they are raising ORson Wells from the grave to direct ____ DC property and this site would be sniffy about. AV Club and it's acolytes are about as objective as Fox News when it comes to DC movies.

You are so right at the end there dude. This site is completely unbiased when it comes to anything DC. The commenters on this site were over the freaking moon about George Miller post Mad Max FUry Road, saying "I'll see anything he does next" rumor is a DC project, and now their all sniffy about it. This place is a

Like i said this site and most of it's commenters are literally Fox News when it comes to anything DC. No objectivity or perspective whatsoever. I have read other articles and they are objective but if it's DC it's automatic hate. They could literally announce The return of Stanley Kubrick to direct Superman and this

When it comes to stories about the DC Movie Universe the AV Club is about as credible as the onion. There is ZERO objectivity. Here we have a rumor about Ben Affleck (one of the best directors working today who has every director award under the sun —not to mention a great screen writer-except the Oscar, and everyone