
First things first MOS had it's problems but it was in no way terrible. Thor 2 and the latter 2 Iron Man movies aren't exactly masterpieces either. And it's not being put together in an odd way, just a different way. The Marvel way isn't the only way of doing an ensemble movie. Did we need a luke skywalker origin

Let me get this straight. WB hires Lord and Miller who haven't delivered a bad project. The guys that made 21 & 22 Jump Street and the Lego Movie. Yet the people on this site are bitching about how a fucking CW show made by the idiots who did Green Lantern the Movie isn't the version they are using in the movie? GTFO.

You don't have to like me. Especially considering you understand where I'm coming from so you recognize that this site is Bull Shit when it comes to talking about DC movies.

Here we are yet again with another unbelievably negative article followed by negative reviews about a DC property that just stated that the director coming off the incredibly successful and critically acclaimed Fast and Furious movie might direct a DC movie and it's met with this kind of reception. I've said it b4 and

I didn't say that the SS had a director as good as Hitchcock or anything. I said that the people who write for this site can't stand DC and WB to the point that nothing the studio can do will satisfy them. For example if DC/WB raised Hitchcock from the grave to direct a DC movie (and for fun let's also say they

I swear DC/WB could announce that they have risen Alfred Hitchcock from the dead to direct a DC movie and the good people of the A.V CLub (the writers and the commenterS) will lift up their noses and say "OMG they should have brought back Orsen Wells, this is goiing to Suck".

Your punk ass will be there opening day to see Batman v Superman.

You forgot he's British

If LOK kills one of the main characters in these next few episodes or Korra dies saving the world, LOK will surpass ATLA in stature. TO be honest if everyone survived the blast I'll be super disappointed.

The creators of LOK are giving their audience too much credit. BC All I see are post about how much "Korra sucks". My god people can you not see what's going on? Can you not grasp the sophistication that the writers are doing with Korra's recovery? Seriously this is heavy stuff here. I don't thiink the Korra audience

Aang did the same thing in the Swamp episode of ATLA. He touched the tree in order to find the others, who were lost. Korra touching the tree reconnected her with the people who love her. Korra's problem was she was disconnected from her loved ones and insofar herself. Because who are we really without the people we

Aang did the same thing to find Appa and the others in the Swamp episode. Literally the same thing happened.

A baby bison pelt at that.

Zaheer and the gang of bad guys are apparently the Red Lotus. It was announced on Nick's website.