
Oh, security by obfuscation. Sensitive security entrances and weaknesses being guarded by the measures employed by 3rd graders hiding favorite pokemon cards.

How much crap do people have in their showers? Soap, Shampoo. Done. Conditioner if I'm feeling fancy pants.

Yeah, but if we're comparing cell phone use to alcohol use, DUI's are also managed by states as well. Plus states are fully capable of legislating laws that are about killing or maiming other people, it doesn't have to be federal.

While agree with this on principle, I have a hard time allowing this to be on a Federal level. I mean, seat belts laws are effectively managed by states, do we really need federal intervention here?

THIS. I always end up having to clarify this for people. The coffee had been cited by the food inspector on multiple occasions as being above temp for servable coffee. They were told repeatedly that the temperature on the coffee was too high by a health inspector, and didn't do it.

Alan: Thanks again for responding to my email; it is very cool that you did an article on it =)

I've used Aardvark, which is pretty good.

Does anyone know an editor similar to iMovie for Windows or Linux? The timeline interface on iMovie is really simple/great for smaller projects, but I'd like to be able to edit on my Win/Ubuntu machine using a similar timeline. I'm very familiar with Adobe Premiere, Vegas, and Cinelerra, but like I said, the iMovie

I understand the *intention* of the device. But really, I look at it more like this:

OPPOSITE. I would specifically choose a dish that required cheese just so I could show it off.

I use toilet paper like it grows on trees.

How long do you think it'll take for someone at Gizmodo to update this story to note that CarrierIQ was, indeed, found on the iPhone. When they do, do you think they'll edit the headline to say "smartphone"? Yeah, I doubt it, too.

I like naked phones, speaking as a recovering phone-holster-addict who now just throws it in his pocket. Gorilla glass is very forgiving, and yeah, you get dings on the phone every now and then, but I think cases are attributed to phone-saving more often than they should; my naked Droid has seen some pretty nasty

This. As stupid as it sounds, my brother and friends have a fun time talking about nonsense and being pretend-off-the-grid. It's sort of like camping.

Depending on the situation (eg - entering a number in your phone) and your level of adventure, I find "How do you spell your name?" works pretty well. Even if the name should be obvious to spell ("uh...B - i - l - l...'Bill'") you can fake it and "ask" if they prefer that or an alternate version ("do you prefer Bill

Not sure if you saw it already, but Felonious posted the source image above:

I guess you'd have to rely on the rest of your Amish village to tell you, then.

We should send that place an e-reader, so they can have access to hundreds of free books of classic literature. And then we could send them that ebook we just converted, too.


Did you not finish that episode? There is fecal bacteria everywhere; that was part of the conclusion they made.