
Unfortunately, the big "cheat" with all of these voice recognition apps is they go back to the cloud. Voice recognition, good voice recognition, requires a decent chunk of processing and data, and the most effective method to manage that involves shunting your voice sample back to a big server that does all the heavy

While I'm the biggest paracord nut you can find, and actually think it makes more sense to use ranger beads than pedometers, I should note that pedometers are hardly $100. More often than not you can grab some at the dollar store. Yes, militiary issued would probably be more robust, but we're talking sub-calculator

Yeah, just saw it, was about to update =)

I've tried a bunch of ways to handwash clothes because we don't have a washing machine and sometimes you just need "one thing" washed. For example, I have to have a clean uniform for tomorrow, and I don't really *need* to do the rest of the laundry.

Vodka? Vodka is what got me there in the first place.

Agreed - just want to chime in that the biggest thing that helped me was how to make feather sticks (google it). Often, especially in "car camping" situations, getting logs aren't a problem, it's getting tinder or small kindling. If you're in an area where gathering wood or sticks from the forest area is looked down

Sandboxing > All Other Features.

Are we this bad at tying knots now? Geez. One piece of string and a tautline hitch vs. 60 rubber bands?

Is there really no way to have an API that pulls one from the other? Maybe I'm just an armchair Product Development Specialist, but it would seem to me that having a callout that says, "That movie is available on DVD from Qwikster | I'm already a user (Sign In) / Sign Up for 30 Day Free Trial" would be a good way to

What I don't understand is why it can stream to Android which is a modified linux kernel? I mean, I don't think it's silverlight. So I'm guessing they wrote a proprietary app that can play the stream without silverlight. But then what's the hold up for linux?

Great. Now there are two services I want to cancel.

Slightly off-topic, but you might be interested to know that you can actually post youtube links that automatically skip to the desired time (I do the same thing). You just take the youtube link and add a "&t=XmXs" where "x" is the number of minutes and seconds. So in your case "&t=0m44s". Like this:


The problem with this idea is that it only works if you're the only person checking your calendar. But if you had to share your calendar with someone, this would be a nightmare.

If your Netflix Queue is that screenshot, you have some pretty awesome taste.

We...err...have very different definitions of the word "elegant".

Wow - oddly enough I had the exactly opposite experience. Not Toys R Us but Babies R Us has a great return policy (should be same one) where we returned items, no questions asked, without receipts (for store credit).

I disagree a bit, here. While drum brakes are just a huge pain that I don't think is worth fixing yourself unless you have the proper tools and/or know-how specific to your car's system, disc brakes are pretty simple. It's like, one step above changing your tire. Plus some mechanics rip you off big time on brake jobs.

Now playing

A bit long, but man - after watching this, there is no way I would ever talk to the police without a lawyer.