
I suspect you're kidding, but in case this confuses anyone, ANY photo taken with the camera at any point during the lifespan of the camera will work. Unless you have never taken a single photo off the camera, ever, this would still apply to you.

There a number of reasons Cr@zY!! passwords are impractical:

I always wonder about the whole "brute force" thing, because most of the sites I go to now, especially ones with any kind of sensitive information (banks, etc.) only allow so many attempts an hour. Heck, one of my banks makes you re-verify all of your data if you screw up the password 5 times.

Felt I should also note that two non-French-Press specific things to perk up your morning joes are:

Something I do when in the same situation is take a "best guess" at the real email (which, in the case of Jane Anderson at Bigbucks.com, would probably be janderson@bigbucks.com).

*skimmed text for sandboxing*

* skims features for sandboxing *

You're focusing too hard on the glass. The major reason it works is because your hand isn't in the way. Putting the phone on the table might help, but most antennas will do better if the phone isn't flat on the table. So you don't need a glass as much as you need a non-rf-interfering vertical-ish phone holder.

One tip I have is to use Youtube. You will not believe how many "assigned group project to make a video or presentation about how x works" there are. A lot of them makes things easier to understand.

All of you who have wives walking around the apartment in their tank tops, bras, or panties and are complaining about the heating bill have GOT to get your priorities straight.

...a 4' screen, or a normal screen, with scrolling. Which, incidentally, is what happens when you open an 8.4 megapixel image on most monitors.

These are all great responses, but the point is it can't do these things *natively* which is my complaint, since they seem like such bare essential functions. I have programs that do both (keep the computer awake and maximize) it's just something that irritated me to no end.

Um, I think the search function is that magnifying glass on the top right.

I used to do this, but found that the dishes wouldn't really dry all the way unless I cracked the door open. Alas, it's back to "seeing if the plate looks sort of greasy".

I don't think there's a "universally" fair way to split rent. The only fair thing is if both parties agree on a system and then implement that system successfully.

OSX: I hate that there's no "Maximize" button for windows. Coming from XP, this was needlessly stupid to me.

I hate the no cutting files thing. I'm not sure how it works because sometimes you can right-click cut, but I was moving a bunch of relatively large files and cutting was not available. I had to copy and delete every file one at a time (I couldn't copy more than one file because the files were big enough that there

Actually, CLEvernote is a pretty good name for an Evernote port...

@Norbs: I believe he's referring to the fact that Apple considers Flash to be a dead technology in favor of HTML5.

@Rexter: The best security is open source. Spreading knowledge about security vulnerabilities is the best way to address it; if the insecurity of WEP wasn't so talked about, we'd all still be using it and only unscrupulous people would know about it and using your tubes.