
@junkmailonlyhere: Some people like to plan for data loss beyond "broken hard drive". Your backups of backups won't be worth much of someone breaks into your house and steals everything or if your house catches on fire.

Once you've reheated leftover pizza in a toaster oven, you will never reheat leftover pizza in anything other than a toaster oven.

Does anyone know of an app that lets you have BOTH the security gesture lock thing (the 9 circles you draw on to unlock) AND a slide to vibrate function? It's annoying to have to unlock the phone just to go into volume settings and change it to vibrate.

@Rusty Van Horn: Good decision. A buddy of mine had this car, and when he hit 88 mph the whole thing just vaporized.

@oshioshi: You could make the same argument for any single dish in any country in the world.

@acidrain69: I did a very similar diet last year (very low calorie). Make sure you take vitamins because while they *might* be a ripoff on a normal diet they're a bit more important when the amount of stuff going into your body is really low.

I get the "green" reason to avoid wasting electricity on power adapters, but from an economical standpoint, I used a Kill-a-Watt recently to check it out, since everyone makes a big deal about the fact that it draws current when not being used.

@joeny1980: I find the grain pretty liveable at 1600; obviously not the best, but if my choices are not getting the shot at all, and getting a grainy-ish shot, I'll take the latter.

Does anyone know if there are or are plans for a hack for Rebel XTs? I'd be interested in either getting video or even just shooting at 3200.

@razordu30: LOL, nevermind. The very first sentence on Step 1 says that fishing line won't work for this. Oh well =)

Didn't read the article so I'm not sure if he mentioned it, but if you're not sending communication signal through it, nylon fishing line is often a good replacement for fiber optic-type applications.

I just discovered TuneIn Radio, which is basically a front end player for a database of over-the-air radio streams. It's great for my old commute, because the radio station I listened to lost reception about halfway through.

@wastedlife: Yeah, I mean it's obviously less secure then a password that is so long you can't remember it.

@marksairey: You can do what I do, which is to scramble the domain name the same way for every website to make it your password.

I love the 8pen keyboard. But 15 minutes is not even remotely close to finding out whether it is a good keyboard fit for you. Heck, 24 hours barely cuts it, but I get it.

@drongch: On the other extreme, my friend's Dad puts gifts in FedEx boxes. No wrapping paper. His thing is that it is super easy to open.

@JoshuaB: If it was all tech related it would be TechHacker.


@drongch: My in-laws make their own bows and spend a good portion of time wrapping a gift, and honestly I think that while the "gift" is the present, the whole point is showing someone you care. When they found a circuit board wrapping paper and made a bow/ribbon out of an actual computer ribbon cable, I felt very

@Peter Nincompoop: Okay...but anyway the moral of the story is to catch a liar you can try using the above anecdote about changing one piece of a story and seeing if they hone in on it.