@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: Oooh, you made me get chills. But if I end up being disappointed again, I'm holding you responsible.
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: Oooh, you made me get chills. But if I end up being disappointed again, I'm holding you responsible.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: I agree with you (not to mention your description of Yvonne) except for one thing. I really liked the moment where Chuck kicked butt offscreen and left that moment of tension where we heard gunshots. I think it was an excellent narrative device to add to plot tension AND add power to the…
@Aathos: I agree. I think she's involved with Volkoff somehow, not a prisoner. She wasn't even wearing handcuffs during the interrogation. But the best evidence is what you already mentioned: She was watching Chuck chase her down. I doubt she'd have access to those resources in a Russian nuclear power plant turned…
I too feel that this wasn't a strong episode, but I've been so starved for Chuck that I didn't even care.
@KamWrex: Blown? That made my mind go supernova.
@WookieLifeDay: Well Walter had excellent wings of white hair on the side of his head to make him look mature and distinguished.
@mordicai: Did he break through the very barriers of our universe? Yea.
@crosis101: It's so awesome that it's almost painful
At first I thought the name on that leading image was "Jean Luc Picard" and I got unreasonably excited. Then I had the big letdown when I realized I had misread.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Frankly, I spent the whole story arc with that Smallville girl expecting her to be revealed as a spy at any moment. Even when she walked out of his life I still expected her to appear from a bush and stab him.
@ManchuCandidate: Ha, I have a printout of the description of the Dunning Kruger effect on my wall at work, just to remind me of what I could become if I'm not careful.
@b33g33: Note to b33g33: When you find a better job, let Razoky come along too.
This is the exact reason that Sith almost always wear a hooded cloak.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Pun intended, good sir.
@Grahmo: And polite trees hate to be forced to acknowledge the presence of ozone.
"This bard rolls, like, a natural 20"
@kelz: Where did it even come from in the first place. The only examples of it seem to be references to something I can't find. That's partially why it's not so funny to me.
@mordicai: All you've done is made me want to see Captain Picard again. It's not improving my lack of desire to see another Kirk In The Galaxy Of Flares.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: It's the size of the contrail...
@and you will know me by the trail of my cred: Replace robot with human and it would be talking about me.