
@corpore-metal: I'm with you on 2001. I thought it was really well done. And it had ideas, not just visuals, something a lot of sci-fi can't claim.

I really wish Paul Bettany would go back to making good movies. I really love his acting, but be keeps showing up in the worst flicks.

@Curves: The after-market stuff is never as good as the factory original anyway.

They really nailed the Solo/Chewie banter. Well done all around.

@Szin: Please no! Quebecois is so aggravating. Plus, the English speaking half of the population is nicer, in general

@starjade: Two amazing shows mixed together. It was almost too much awesome to handle.

@Atsumi: Ask and ye shall receive:

@SkipErnst: No more so than the streaming rainbow lines of the early trek warps.

The problem with the internet is that I can't tell what's real anymore. Due to my education in intertube sarcasm, I would have immediately assumed this was a page from The Onion as soon as I read the hypocrisy of using guns to promote less violence.

@gd01skorpius: An explosion and a laser focused over time would both be relatively small amounts of force for a huge comet. As far as I understand, the point is to start changing the trajectory slightly as far out as possible so that the small vector change results in a wider "miss" over time. It's easier to get a

@Josh Wimmer: Also, there's the matter of the Grandma, or whoever that was on the phone, who clearly doesn't want the children to have anything to do with Cobb.

@Pope John Peeps II: Exactly, in fact, I can vouch that irregular alleys are quite common in third world countries where people just build however they want. If anything, you could argue that this particular detail makes the movie even more realistic.

@Krakenstein: For a zombie, heck even for a shark in general, he has the straightest, most well cleaned teeth.

I think the best definitions are the ones that essentially say:

@dkall2: Darn it, I guess I better go back to MapQuesting images. I'm useless with cardinal binary.

@pz: I think you mean the girl to the east.

@Gaucho85: That was easily the worst part of the game.

@leftatmars: But only on two tastebuds at a time.