
I'm actually pretty thrilled that Neelix will be on Chuck. Just seems like the perfect fit. Mock me if you will.

It's certainly not weak now. In the iPhone foursss announcement they said that the Macbook Air is the highest selling notebook and the Mac is the highest selling desktop. Even though their relative segments of the market are smaller than Windows, it's still a significant chunk that's growing every day. No reason for

I'm getting a serious Klingon vibe here.

You're most welcome. I think it's pure genius and I return to it often. It helped me get over a bout of writer's anxiety because I was terrified that a story I was writing was inadvertently turning into a thinly veiled Data (from TNG) fanfic. It helped me realize that there's a difference between theft and being

I still feel that Michael Stackpole's X-wing books (the allston books weren't quite as good for me) are the best Star Wars books out there. Admittedly, I haven't read much of the recent stuff, but I still think they have to be top-o-the-list.

CJ, you are a genius. Thank you for not just doing a standard review but actually turning it into a psychological analysis of the director. Brings a whole new level to it.

Too soon, guys

In Malagasy, they have no word for pink, and Purple is a recent addition (relatively speaking). In fact, the other major colors have their own distinct names, but the word for Purple literally translates to "the color of fleas." Obviously, that brings up a whole new set of questions, but I only have an answer to one

In fact, Charlie Jane's scathing review of Transformers 2 is one of the best pieces of writing I've read. Not just on this site. Ever.

You just gave me an unhealthy amount of hope that there really could be an Element Zero, a la Mass Effect

@Interstella5555: That's what I'm talking about. Running home every day after school in order to be there in time to click over to PBS and hear Rockapella. Ah, the memories.

@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: +1 for quoting Shelley in a particularly applicable instance. Love this poem.

@Krakenstein MK-II: That show is cool, but it was especially so for an early teens Star Trek fan. I still remember hearing Riker's voice come out of that character that looks remarkably like riker and thinking, No Way!

@99TelepodProblems: Amen. No longer can we call this show X-files Lite. This show has excelled and I don't even think we should look back.

"It's only compatible with PCs running Windows 2000/XP or greater."

"I never did figure out what a Reagan was."

This game consumes large portions of my free time, and I'm totally okay with it.