
Wouldn't there be some kind of reaction from the mantle of the earth's core too? Or is this assuming that everything stopped spinning?

@evildead1971: Erm, turns out it's just the dolphins that were mostly harmless. Humans are another matter entirely.

@Anto103: We will not go quietly into the night!

@artiofab: I can't wait to see the finished Krogan. The early views of it look so awesome.

I fully support everything Tone said. I think Mass Effect really have what it takes, but unfortunately it doesn't have the cultural reach that a blockbuster movie does. I would love it if everyone played it; I think it deserves to be recognized as Star Wars for a new generation.

The part where it really started to become transcendental was when Gore's eyes lit on fire.

I think this is how it should have been from the beginning.

@Razoky: Whoa, I just gained and lost a star in less time than it takes to eat a Twinkie. And like eating a Twinkie, it didn't last long but it felt oh-so-good.

Saying something like "just hold it different" is so offensive to me. Why should I have to invent some different way to hold the phone (which obviously won't be the most comfortable way or I'd already be doing it that way) just because you wanted to put the antenna in a different place? It's ridiculous. And saying

I don't want anything to do with Star Wars Legacy era stuff. Another Star Trek that doesn't suck like "Enterprise" did, please.

I start salivating every time I hear reference to a Mass Effect movie.

What's with the "old people get back in the game" trend in movies? There's that movie with stallone and a bunch of other 70-80s stars coming out as well. We don't need another Space Cowboys. Seriously.

Wow, the time and temperature boxes on the home screen look so ugly to me. Is it because it clashes with the background or am I just weird?

This is awesome. Reminds me of that show that was on when I was a child that had guys riding dinosaurs.

Am I supposed to see Darth Vader's helmet in the typewriter image up top, or am I just having an ink-blot moment that reveals I think too much about Star Wars?

Right, but how close is this thing to actually existing? That's the most important question.

After trying all three of these at E3, I agree that Move is the least interesting. They all have serious flaws, but Sony still loses out in this competition.