
That's the sound I associate with the internet. Even more than the "evolution of dance" soundtrack.

@Cupajo: You make me cry.

@TemporalSword: Ditto that. I saw plenty of people playing it at E3 and it looked like it would only be fun for 10 minutes. Visuals aren't to bad though.

@Slatz_Grobnik: Sounds like a good one, specifically because the dotcom boom was the golden age of BLARPing.

@corpore-metal: It's definitely satirical. It's supposed to make it apparent what a farce normal business usually is. C'mon, you know you think that to yourself at least once a day.

@mordicai: Sounds like that would make a good expansion.

I didn't think it was possible to love that show more. I was wrong.

@Irksome: Not only do I like people who agree with me, but that response was a joy to read. Plus, anyone who teaches me a new word (had to look up circumbendibus) gets instant adoration.

@OzymandiasX: Plus, you got name-checked in the review...

@atrus123: No sir, it makes you human.

What the... trees?!

In quite a few, maybe most, of those situations, that's exactly what real people would say. What else are you expecting people to say?

That is so alien. So what is the nose for?

I find it hard to believe that more people have heard of PS Move than Project Natal. Natal has gotten way more press. Is it because Move had a more recent announcement?

Well, the good news is that most of the vulnerable grandmas out there still think IE6 is the most recent version. So at least they're safe.

I'd rather watch Better Off Ted than basketball. Don't tell my die-hard, sports-loving family I said that, though. I want to remain in the will.

Watching the little plumes of smoke rising off those bugs is oddly mesmerizing.

@arionfrost: It will work for her, but he'll just sparkle red. You may have to stockpile wooden stakes to get the job done.

@Lamar Henderson: You're right, I spent so much time identifying where the clips came from that I could hardly pay attention to the new elements the trailer was trying to portray.