
Funny, the complaints of PSX Extreme were the same ones I had about Mass Effect 2.

Wait, we have a half dozen representatives of the Halo universe and Darth Vader alone to represent all the Star Wars games that have come and gone? That seems a little unfair.

Wait, is she human? Because her clothes are reminiscent of Quarian but she's not wearing the face mask.

Has anyone heard when the beta testing for this will start?

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I really missed the Mako in ME2. I'm glad they're including a few missions with this thing because it looks pretty awesome.

How many is a brazillian, again?

Wow, that must have been one awkward casting session when the actors were auditioning for a role in this commercial.

Between this and the Apple/HTC lawsuit, I've gotten way more than my daily allotment of legalese this week.

So stupid! My internet connection cuts in and out so often that it totally ruins online games. This would drive me up the wall.

Does the Thane figurine look way more feminine than the game character to anyone else?

Wow, that is so complex.

I have a confession:

@Helba: I approve of and can attest to everything you have said here. Except that I could never recommend living in Utah Valley, period.

Nor is it a Port-au-Prince.

Oh no.

"We sort of have a little special place for Halo in our hearts."