
Well, she's not great, but she does look better in blue hair than red.

"disparity in quality with their relative importance at the box office"

Well said. Those are exactly the reasons why it's both essential and pure folly at the same time to seek the "Citizen Kane of games." It's different and the same all at once, so how can we draw direct parallels like that... and yet, how can we not seek out and identify the industry-changing games that approach the,

It's amazing how long-lived this franchise is. Eventually the generation that created Civ will be a playable race in future versions of the game. You know you're successful when you've been around long enough to be self-referential.

Here's the incredible thing, the title and bullet points could be used just as they are to correctly describe the movie.

And yet the heart remains un-armored. Apparently a good supporting mail-bra is more important in battle.

Maybe there were some perspective problems, but that thing doesn't look big enough for two children to pilot. Regardless, a number of childhood fantasies I had make me instantly interested in this movie, even if it is steampunk.

@Hamslicer: That seems to be a pith helmet/bee keepers hat combo. No?

The price is a bit steep, but just last night I was thinking it would be great to be able to read fully horizontal without holding my arms up over my head and, coincidentally, getting bashed in the face when I start to fall asleep and lose my grip on the book.

@ImmaLion: It's just plain impossible... if he's offering you a mug of mead. If he's trying to sell you on a far-future sci-fi epic it introduces a bit of a disconnect.

Mmmm, I do love a little overgrown, post-apocalyptic landscape to explore.

@laser beams: Agreed. It needs to happen yesterday.

It's very telling about the state of the gaming industry that half of the games shown at IGF are more interesting that 90% of what the industry will release this year.

I love that BioWare bothered to put all these extras in there. Like the game trading salarian on the Citadel or the krogan viagra spam that you get in your personal messages. Hilarious.

Regardless of whether there are places on the planet that reach 53 degrees Celsius doesn't mean that it doesn't qualify as "freaking unbearably hot." I think every last person here would want a heavily air conditioned suit to wear there.

@Strangelove: Amen to that. They took out way too many RPG elements in an effort to appeal to everyone. And how was a boring old planet scanning system supposed to fix the complaints about driving the Mako? At least I could shoot things in the Mako, and, boy, did I love shooting things in the Mako.

Becoming a dad does weird things to you. Take the Bioshock 2 trailer and gameplay footage. Before, it would have looked like another shooter to me. But now, when the little sisters call you daddy, and when they get scared when the bad guys come, it stirs this primeval need in me to protect. It's a feeling that can't