
It was lie. I have been enjoying watching your ass get roasted. Honestly praying that Jalopnik recognizes what a shit journalist you are. If they don’t by the end of this then I wont bother coming back. But for now, my popcorn is out and I’m loving the many comments that agree with me and laughing at those that prove

Funny this guy actually thinks Lance Stroll read his shit article. lol.

This is spot on. Who in the right mind would even think of a headline like this.... “Talentless Billionaire Nepo Baby Failson Remains Safely Employed By The Company His Daddy Bought For Him”

I’m a liberal and Jalopnik routinely embarrasses me. They are on that edge of wokeness where the writers are just dicks. Title of this article is a prime example. If you hate capitalism, write an article about hating capitalism. Don’t write a dickhead article about a rich person that never did anything to you. You

Jealousy at it's finest 

We all take that line there playing GT7. No need to be embarrassed by it. I’m 66 years old and I’ll plop my ass on the floor in front of the big screen, crank up the surround sound up to 11, rip off the knob, throw it out the window, order some pizza and kick anyone’s butt who wants to race me.

That Daytona looks disturbingly close to a Jalpa.

So I guess FIAT doesn’t stand for “Fix It Again, Tony”?

If you are lead to believe by the presence of an Italian flag that your POS was shoddily made in Italy , then you better damn well feel rest assured that your POS was in fact shoddily made in Italy. Can’t have Morocco taking credit for that.

Um, really? Is the Italian flag supposed to be some sort of mark of quality? ‘Cause, unless there’s a prancing horse next to it, that isn’t exactly the assumption I would make...

Hey Italy, check this shit out!!!

Yeah I mean I hate to agree with Tesla, but the driver was paying NO attention at all, if there are interior cameras I would 100% bet their head was buried in their phone. I wouldn’t trust FSD on a good day, but less a quite foggy one like in the video.

Nice try gas cucks, clearly the FSD is planning to ramp BETWEEN CARS check and mate

These are the ONLY time I side with Tesla. Glad the guy didn’t die or anything, but this is his fault 🤣

Thank you, I was wondering if I missed an image of the actual car because I'm on mobile and struggling to be rid of the ads. If there wasn't even an image in the post that goes to show how bad its getting around here.

I can’t wait for the housing bubble to burst.

I can’t wait for the housing bubble to burst. It’s the only way I’ll ever be able to afford to buy anything at all.

Next time he should try with his Johnson. Will hopefully prevent yet more stupid people from being in this world.

It’s truly a feet of engineering on Tesla’s part,

According to Car & Driver, the 1967 Chevrolet Corvette 427 went from 0 to 60 in 4.7 seconds.
Have we actually improved matters that much in the last 57 years?