
I like your dedication. I personally went through 7 7M engines in my 3 Supras. A major flaw isn't always a deal breaker 

Subaru transmissions always take a dump. The wrx 5 speed, the SVX automatic, this abomination, etc

Aw damn, a fellow Mazda 3😑

Less negative press, and more positive connections to get the juice flowing 

You’ve obviously never stood next to a MKIV Supra. It is TINY. The MKIII Supra is a ‘59 Cadillac compared to it. 

Even Toyota swapped OUT the 2J when it came to racing.

Ugly ass hell and something I’d never do....... I love it

I see this is your first day on Jalopnik. Welcome. 

It was obviously the government.

That's like saying "my name is Bahb" 

The spelling of her same bothers me 

Nah, German Chocolate is all American, just like English muffins. They're good 👍🏼 

Unpatriotic is buying an import in the first place, gonna knock him for that, too? 

Beresheet entha wouds

This thing is ugly and you’re all blind. There I said it.

This why the internet exists 

Right? Folks, queso means cheese. You’re all saying “I made cheese.” specify you’re making gross artificial cheese dip, that’s much more accurate.