
Or you could do the math here and see that it make sense and plays out.

I would rather have Onoin in the White house.

Fuck those deluded assholes who are still trying to pretend that this isn’t EXACTLY what Republicans have always been about. Some of them are just a tad bit embarrassed that Trump and his goons are being so damned obvious about it.

It relates to the auto industry. Sorry if you don’t like it.

Well, Godwin’s law says: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazism or Hitler approaches 1.” It doesn’t say whether or not the comparison is appropriate or not, just that it’s likely that someone will make the comparison. But yes, I agree it’s sometimes apt. And so does

Godwin’s Law has always been bullshit. Sometimes a comparison is apt.

No, you’re not. The way you dismissively put Islamophobia in quotes makes pretty clear what this is about.

He’s a doctor, he has no experience in creating health policy, so NO, he hasn’t been at the highest levels. Also, going to a “good” school also doesn’t mean you have experience in the field of education. As to your earlier reply, that makes no sense. No, I don’t agree with it and I also wouldn’t support that

Who cares? So he’s a competent doctor, but he has some very dangerous and, frankly, STUPID ideas. I’m so tired that “oh but he’s a doctor” or “he went Ivy League.” That doesn’t make him smarter than anyone and when he talks about evolution being the LITERAL work of the devil and the big bang theory being a fairy tale,

Nice troll. You’ll reel in a few with this one.

If my job was to enforce the law? Fuck yes. And so should anyone else.

That’s the problem with police, the answer should always be yes. It’s the law.


I had a ticket for 101 in a 70 one time, pretty decent fine plus Michigan’s lovely driver responsibility fees on top of it. Not saying I didn’t deserve the ticket, but so does this police chief.

I had to go though a lot of crap and pay hefty fines when pulled over for 93 in a 55. Patrick George spent 3 days in jail for the same. This jerk does 107 in a 45 and they laugh it off.

a camry WITH the dent


“So you have no plans for the job and no desire to do it, eh? Fuck yeah you’re hired.”

It’s that look... like when you squeeze out a fart, but maybe shit yourself.