
Button mashing on excitebike? i cant remember that game being button mash , did they change something?

Trump is President-elect and there is hell toupee.

It appears the best way to develop bi-partisan cooperation is to do burn outs in Corvettes. If this is how we can make America great again, I’m all for it!

Now this is Jalop based policy I can get behind.

God dammit I’m gonna miss Uncle Joe.

These bloggers.

As a reminder, in a Hyperloop you’re basically a bullet in a gun barrel. If there’s a crack in a 30-mile tube, you die. If its magnets lose power, you die. The margins of error and the risks are akin to space travel.

I think you’re kinda understating what happens in the “playboy” routine. Yuri doesn’t just incorporate feminine sexuality, he embodies a female role. His speech patterns change to female speech in Japanese. But the role he is taking on is NOT passive, it’s proactive. The character is supposed to be flirtatious and

I bet you they play alliance, the losers

Oh yeah, this part was... well, I don’t understand why he wrote that or if he really mean it...

The thing I find funny about these old hags is this... They make themselves out to be Christians, and yet, they are passing judgement upon their neighbor, when the bible explicitly states not to judge others, as it is not their place to do so... but gods.

I’m an atheist, and even I know that. Oddly, and ironically, I

Hey, I get the difference between christians and jesus freak assholes. You notice I did not even call them christians!

I hear that Peter Thiel has already been in contact with them.

His GoFundMe is north of $57k right now, I think he’ll be OK on the legal fees as long as these harpies don’t keep throwing lawsuits for different nonsense at him.


I watched a few videos about this case, and every time those buys-bodies open their cake-holes, I want to tape them shut andmake them listen to Justin Bieber until their eyes bleed and their brains leak out of their ears.

I bet there are more than a few jalops willing to trade houses with those asshole neighbours to live next to that guy and his garage.

Now that would be true happy ending  

And for a fleeting moment all was right in the world. Our hero won his day in both the court of public opinion and the court of law. His legal fees paid and him being allowed to wrench in peace for the time being. The trolls have been banished back to their screened in porch to lick the wounds of their wallets.

On the plus side, the judge found in his favour, and his building and hobby are safe.

On the other hand, he still has assholes for neighbours.

(Yes, I’m English, so favour and neighbour are spelled correctly)