
Exactly. I divorced a man that I found out had been going on Craigslist having sex with strangers—both men and women—for our entire marriage. I had no idea at all. Not even an inkling. I definitely didn’t know he was bisexual, and I didn’t know he was cheating on me. I told someone about it once and they refused to

I remember reading an old EGM about the secrets of the Power Line. One anecdote that stuck with me was how many old people called in to brag about their conquests, despite the $3/min charge. They really love their Dragon Warrior Quest.

I’m going to buy this and drive an hour up to my parents house and use their landline to make the long-distance phone call to Redmond Washington. They’re going to be pissed just like they were 25 years ago.

I met a guy who went to expensive college USA - we will call him Chad - came to my university in Scotland and lived in our flat. His psychopath father was one of the US top corporate executives and they had a house in the Hamptons or Martha’s Vineyard or some other place. The son was so full of despair and hate for

I was at Penn at the same time as Melker. Donnie was indeed a sad sack of a human being who peed everywhere and assaulted everyone. He belonged to the most rape-y of rape-y fraternities and comfortably communicated with his asshat brothers in the misogynist language of his father and...he just sucked. He really did

No, Black people attending an HBU don’t need “ideas” like Duke’s racism to be “debunked.” We experience racism every day and know very well what it is and how dangerous people like him and his white supremacist friends are. We don’t need to hear people who want us dead, enslaved, or at the very least marginalized

The Klan knows that Black people go to college. Black people know both that the Klan exists and what racism is all about. We don’t need any further examples.

No we don’t. He is guaranteed a right and only one platform by the constitution: His stupid fucking mouth. The university is a private entity and can do whatever the fuck it wants, just like twitter, kinja or NBC news. We as citizens have a duty to ensure that complete degenerates like Duke can open their mouths

Haha...always people climbing out of the woodwork to demand that us blacks hush up, stand meekly by while someone(*cough*white male*cough*) is standing on a podium inciting others with hate speech, screaming loud and proud that “the only good n**ger is a dead n**ger”. Because hey, it’s his right and we just need to

The Question: Should we stop a domestic terrorist KKK member from participating in our government?

Black people are tough, and a racist speaking hasn’t killed them yet.

Yeah, interesting, isn’t it?

Exactly! When these Trumpers claim they are angry and feel silenced, what they mean is that they are angry that they can’t publicly call people racial slurs as much as they used to without any consequences. Women aren’t expected to stay in their place anymore, and people occasionally say it’s not right to discriminate

You ever notice how Black people are expected to put up with shit like this for the “greater good” but these same people get mad when their commute or brunch is interrupted by a Black Lives Matter protest?

Yeah, I think I’ll be flagging and dismissing from now on. Fuck them.

Black people know already and don’t need reminding, thanks.

They can all fuck right off with their “well, actually...” bullshit. Quote me.

Dillard is a PRIVATE UNIVERSITY, btw, genius. And even public universities have easily-found policies and rules about being able to prohibit certain things and people on their campuses.

You don’t get to tell me or any other Black person how we should handle or react to racists or racism. It’s amazing that you think you can.

Yeah, it is kinda grim that the college students had to pay, through their tuition money, for security for a guy who would like to see them be re-enslaved. You’d think the college would at least get him to pay for his own security! I’m sure some of his Stormfront buddies could cough up for some off-duty cops.