
The group rejected the proposal and instead requested the movie theater chain settle the occurrence by firing the employees involved, providing mandatory customer service and anti-racism training to its staff, and issuing a written apology to the charity.

That gif

Evil, just pure evil.  There is not a single detail of this crime that is not horrific and depressing.

I sincerely appreciate your well thought out response and agree with everyone’s tastes being different. Either I am not picky or just don’t pay attention as much to certain elements of music as others, such as yourself, do.

Hardcore fans of anything are hard to deal with because they will defend it no matter what.

Clearly you have not actually watched many 1930's cartoons. She never said ‘all art’, and claiming that is just a lie. Cartoons back then are chock full of racism, hyper violence, animal cruelty, butchery, child abuse, constant drunkenness and drug use and more. Why? Because back then, all of those behaviors were...

To imply that ALL ART created before the current day is toxic and tainted due to negative elements in society at the time.

yeah my sex drive has been stuck in park since forever and it definitely shifted into gear for Steg

For me the music was great!

I’m SO HAPPY it isn’t just me.

I have to agree. The orchestral version is less viscerally irritating than the midi version but it's still extremely bombastic in the worst possible way and is almost physically tiring to deal with. Yet no music seems weird. I wonder if I could mod in an entire different soundtrack. 

Friends, I have heard the orchestral music and still hate it. (I mention how much I hate Sugiyama’s compositions in this very piece.) Modding it in or nabbing the definitive edition prooobably ain’t gonna cut it.

If white people knew they could be arrested for calling the police for no reason on black people, we would start to see progress.

People don’t really seem to understand this, do they ...?? THey can read the same articles the rest of us read; I’ve read more than one piece that breaks the effects of that (read: the intense trauma usually suffered by the victim of the racism) down, too.

since it’s the holidays, allow me to raise a glass of fuck you to these two assholes never working again

Good. Calling the police on a person is exactly like pointing a loaded gun at that person.

Yes, absolutely. And this post helped me realize that now that Kirk is leaving, I enjoy your prose the most among all the Kotaku editors, Cecilia. But also: Why didn’t they enable use of the touch screen in the menus?!? I play this game far more in handheld mode, and those menu icons are so wonderfully large, it

Their attitude reminds me of this tweet:

Right? Giving the Queen shit for seeming old and out of touch at this point is so...yawn. Let us not also forget this is the same feisty 92-year old who committed legendary acts of shade against Drumpf with the clever use of BROOCHES. Show some damn respect.

There’s always some idiot waiting to pile on Her Majesty at this time of year. Most of those items are antiques passed down from other monarchs and part of our nation’s history - what else should we do with the gold piano, flog it to a super-rich Russian for their kids to flaunt on insta?

the Parkland shooter, a fan of Donald Trump, put a “Make American Great Again” hat in the casket of his liberal mother