I never get tired of this series. I’m still hoping that we’ll see it come back at some point.
The Jeep will stay mad though
Yup, just order them off the DMV site
Lmao, that’s hilarious! Definitely the right game though.
I was cleaning out my storage room a few months back and found a ton of old Game Informers, Gamepros, PC Gamers, etc. The nostalgia trip while flipping through them was crazy. A lot of the articles, walkthroughs, and reviews still looked familiar.
I remember being really fond of an everquest ad (for the playststion spinoff) but I’ve never been able to find it again. Some blonde lady putting armor on or something...
At least Fisker had been around for a bit prior and had put out other vehicles
Yeah! Alien Encounter! That thing was terrifying. Stitch is basically a similar experience (similar script and everything) but with more giggling and hot dog burps.
Disney owns the franchise once the deal with Fox goes through...
So, these experiences story writers and directors didn’t know that by dancing around these subjects they were setting them up as mysteries for the sequel? I highly doubt that.
If it was no big deal they’d have thrown out a one liner explaining where some random Sith lord came from (since they were all supposed to be…
Ohh.. that’s a good call. I’ll have to check and see because I’ve run into the same issue. Backtracking to turn stuff in is super clunky. I don’t find the inventory (for finding some quest items) or the quest tracker super intuitive for figuring out where to go on some occasions. Still going to finish it but looking…
I’m ok with fan theories falling flat but what we got was really dull
That’s awesome! I don’t know if you’ve looked yet but there’s a mod you can install to get the game to run in 1080p. It didn’t work for me for some reason but everyone else in the KOTOR subreddit seems happy with it!
“Ep 9 is going to be like what if Vader was in charge but also slightly more unstable.”
That’s a fair assumption but I’d argue that Kylo is no Vader. I don’t find him particularly compelling or intimidating as a bad guy.
As far as the emperor persona that’s pretty standard with the Sith and Kylo even wanted to recruit…
I think it would have been a better film, yes. But they still could have gone in other directions.
For me it was an issue but not the biggest issue.
Yeah! I’m resigned to just accepting that. I never really dove into the EU novels previously so now I have a ton of material to go through.
Heck, I even installed Star Wars Galaxies to go on a nostalgia trip through the private servers that are running. It’s scratching the itch.
I disagree, I thought it made The Force Awakens practically meaningless since most of the (potentially) impactful story elements and characters they set up fell absolutely flat in TLJ.
Maybe Episode 9 will be different but so far I’m disappointed in all of the new movies.
Same here... this isn’t the Star Wars that I know and love. It just made me finally pick up the thrawn trilogy and install KOTOR again.