
I think the real concern is that the downside could be bad. Mainly that if the numbers progress like SARS. As we crunched the data SARS kept getting bumped up ,and the literature ca. 2015 is now ~15% which is way higher than the ~2% in the very early days. Currently in the very early days for wanhu we are seeing about

While the EV bit means that you can escape the wheelbase equation for fuel economy in CAFE, I don’t think you will ever get back to the really small mini trucks due to crash standards. 

Since the various refrences linked in the article can’t agree on a number for even just the spanish flu (just in the linked stuff, got numbers from 1.8-3 as teh r-naught), I’m guessing you will never get a real definition of what the number means. In fact wikipedia (which appears to have been the point of referenced

There are plenty of convenient bus stops by me, and zero convenient bus routes. Unless it’s going to change that, it’s useless. 

It’s not about lazy, it’s about refusing to accept one’s choices and wanting to have your cake and eat it too.

With you on the Camaro, not so much on the TEL. Those pop up headlights were not worth saving and it largely preserved the lines of the car.

First, the sports cars often have the issue of scarcity. Second, this is designed to be a volume vehicle selling into a contracting market that favors the buyer. 

It’s not the fault of the semi decorative DRLs. It’s the always illuminated dashboards that make most people forget to turn on anything. DRLs and areas with lots of street lights helps make the illusion more convincing.

The reason it comes up is because you have video game development where the ENTIRE product cycle is crunch time. 

Accessibility is problematic for certain things. Making a fast FPS available to the blind or those with motor skills issues is going to have certain inherent problems. Addressing those problems may fundamentally undermine what the original creation is supposed to be.

It’s like the love child of a late 80s lincoln mark VIII and the 6000 SUX from robocop. 

The stock market has a whole lot of bearing on reality. The market forces there, however, aren’t what we would call sensible in the day to day world.

No. Creating significant speed differentials is one of the more dangerous things to do with traffic. 

Let me translate “range anxiety” for you. See it’s a stupid phrase that doesn’t describe the problem. The problem isn’t that I’m going to take a car with 130 mile range and try to drive it to zero charge and wonder when that is going to come. The problem is 130 miles doesn’t cover some genuine use by a lot of people.

Hmm I went to an ER in the middle of the night complaining of chest pain. Their response was to make me wait about close to an hour to attend to a drug seeking individual with no insurance. So that was good time spent on their behalf. I was a 40-something white guy with excellent insurance. Lots of ERs just suck. Some

EVs are a luxury item. The tech is not at the spot it can compete on value yet.

I think the Hummer brand got such a bad rap not because the vehicles were bad or even that thirsty compared to what else was on the road at the time.

Ehh, that isn’t very damning evidence. You take group of people who LOVED the way it was and find they are hesitant to change what they are already pleased with? SHOCKING!

ICE vehicles don’t run linearly. You get vastly different results driving it like you stole it than you get hypermiling it.

The problem with the TSA wages and hiring is that most of the jobs pay better than retail, but less than most anything skilled or harder to get into government jobs.