
So you are cool with the people who were just dealing with a disabled vehicle in an appropriate matter getting creamed by this asshole?

2FA that uses SMS is garbage. 2FA that uses it’s own transport mechanism via apps, phone calls, etc. is much better. Stuff like Microsoft MFA, Duo, etc. 

Ass skin is just skin. But sitting down, there’s your clothing options between your labia and or butthole and the seat. You roll the dice how much one narrow thong is successfully containing either of those.

Headline is messed up.

If tesla is waiving the rights to charge people license fees for their charging port and methods, nobody is going to make money licensing their format. It is not VHS vs betamax.

Have you gotten a windshield replaced on a modern vehicle with active crash avoidance? Windshields have gotten pricey, and the facilities to re-calibrate active crash avoidance hardware after a windshield replacement aren’t within the means of a lot of repair facilities.

It’s 2 years from production, but look at the mach-e. It was two years from having a platform to having the unveiling of it. From a visual standpoint, they could redo a lot on that vehicle between now and launch provided it consists mainly of covering up what is there now rather than moving or removing large chunks. 

Digital urban camo? No sir!

Check what? Patient records? Who’s signing up for that HIPAA violation? 

Wasn’t the flu story the pro Hillary version of the “damn, is she seriously drunk off her ass” story?

OK, quick question... where are you getting led grow lamps not made in china. heck, where are you getting led bulbs period not made in china? not everything from china is crap. No idea if these are good value for the dollar, but everything LED is getting cheaper, and the prices aren’t really off for the output. 

OK, quick question... where are you getting led grow lamps not made in china. heck, where are you getting led bulbs

1) Snipping tool required less steps.

Nah, it’s variable car to car. I had an 88 camry, drove it for like the seocnd 120,000 miles of it’s life, got it with newly done brakes and had them done once while I owned it. But it was also very light.

If your dog smells like brunt clutch material when wet, you should take it to a vet. I wouldn’t even regard that as the same family of smells. 

I have trouble believing that your gaming groups don’t care about fair dice. I’m sure nobody cares about them being perfectly distributed, but at least from my experience, gaming groups DO care if unfair dice are regularly screwing them over. Maybe it’s less of an issue with D20 stuff. I know playing a lot of gurps

My dad was a credits watcher. But when the movie ended in the theater, guess how many people were sitting their watching the credits? If you didn’t count me being stuck there bored out of my mind in most instances, it was well under 1%.

Yes, and the criminal trial is bound by beyond a reasonable doubt as a standard. The family restaurant is likely owned by multiple members of the family and is not seen as an asset of the convicted given that for the rest of the family, they can likely make a claim of ignorance to the crime if they were not involved

Nah they aren’t. Spent many summers during high school and college as a painter. The only things we taped out were things with more complicated edges that couldn’t be easily removed or replaced and floor molding. The floor molding was taped not to get a good edge but to protect the molding from inadvertent

I have seen exactly one on the road. I already knew it was still fugly in the flesh, and it’s still fugly in the flesh and moving.

You might like opera. It indicates which tab is playing the stupid noise and has a mute tab option on the tabs making noise.