
Sad to say but, Teckle was NOT “only a danger to himself”. He was shooting INTO NEIGHBORS’ APARTMENTS & OUT HIS OPEN WINDOW. Plenty of people in Minneapolis—-& around the country—-are being shot, seriously injured and even dying due to “stray bullets” that were NOT “aimed at them”.

The guy almost killed two children (who are black according to their mother) and now he’s being treated like a martyr. And people wonder why BLM is rapidly losing all credibility? Here’s a video of the children’s’ mother angry with the protestors.

They did, they presented it to a judge and he said there’s not enough to go to trial. So if you can’t convince a judge that you have compelling evidence to go to trial, that’s not a good sign.

Somebody just wants to watch you descend into madness, and they know exactly how to do it.

It’s fine. It’s easier than butter and crisps the bread well. What is it with you people and making these grand, unsupported statements, and acting like you’re doing something profound?

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%

If this is something you’ve just learned over the past 4 years, you are decades (at least) late to the game. The right-wing ignored it during the Bush years, the left-wing ignored it during the Obama years and on and on.

Actually this does frequently indicate a problem with your car. The reason gas is splashing back up the filler neck is usually because the evap ventline or filler tube vent line in your car filler neck is clogged.  This means as the gas goes into the tank, instead of the air having a second way to get to the top of

Why is jeans pronounced “jEEns” and bean pronounced “bEEn” but Sean isn’t pronounced “sEEn”? Because English pronunciation is a mess and phonics don’t apply. I’m sticking with soft g.

First of all, it’s an acronym, a proper name - which doesn’t need to follow the rules of the language. But ..

What?  This is as stock as possible for this particular model.  

This could have been Honda’s New Beetle except less tortured and screwed together worlds better, but double the price of a FIT with a range of 125 miles has likely sentenced this remarkable, most Honda-looking thing Honda has done in decades, design to failure.

The LS engines are the antithesis to DOHC. There is simply no compelling argument in favor of DOHC over an LS engine.

This is because intelligent dealerships know that the 18 year old kid with the 100,000 mile Audi will someday be making much more money who is dumb enough to buy an Audi with 100,000 miles will never make much money, but whatever he does make will end up in that dealership’s pocket if he treats him well enough.

Flaps around empty?

Not factory and not a spoiler, but it deserves to be here.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Actually Menlo Park, New Jersey (incidentally, named after Menlo Park, CA), where Edison set up shop. You can see Edison’s lab at Menlo Park Complex, Greenfield Village, Michigan, where Henry Ford reconstructed it, as the original site had deteriorated to ruin.

I want to see the AWS StatCast numbers for exit speed and launch angle.