
No, androids

In convenient throwable form when you inevitably get awped

Y’know, I used to see piracy as a black-and-white issue (and I still feel that it is fundamentally wrong on a number of levels, as gaming is a leisure activity—really, a luxury—rather than a basic human need, and therefore shouldn’t be subject to the whole “Robin Hood” school of thought in terms of “stealing is okay,

Yeah I called that it was fake when these first surfaced. Now let's just hope the rest of the controller is fake as well. If this turns out to be the shape and design of the NX controller this will be the first Nintendo console I skip.

I’m waiting until they start giving out games like Infamous SS and Killzone SF. I’m surprised they haven’t started giving out more launch games yet.

The internet is a neutral medium. It’s people who are terrible.

It is indeed. I’m a fan of both services but ps+ has been at a bit of a low point for a while now. Hopefully friendly competition will benefit us all in the long run.

MichaelDean already said it, but it’s absolutely because PS+ is a requirement now for online play, so there is very little incentive to put anything good up.

Being that Warframe is the only online game I play right now and it doesn’t require PS+, my sub expires in 11 days and I don’t play on renewing at least until PS+ has a great lineup two months in a row. That’s why I got it originally, I was using the PS3 a lot and they had solid games. Since + is used now mostly as a

Hell, all of the (console) exclusives have been good fun, save for Ryse, IMO. The console exclusives on the XB1 are worth the price of admission, and Games with Gold has been consistently better with free titles than PS+ the past six months or so.

I only have a PS4 and I’m not happy with the games being released. They’re the types of games that (assuming they are released on PC, and most are) can be found cheap enough there that they don’t really warrant a second buy or playthrough on PS4, even if free.

Sony should take note. This is a what a good lineup looks like. It’s well past the time to start sprinkling some AAA titles in between all of those same-y indie games.

now thats a exiciting line-up. PSN plus free games feel like its been at its low point and been taking that stride for months now.

Ironic considering you seem to be struggling with English too.

Thats uncalled for and very prejudiced.

....not really. Tired of hearing this lame childish argument. I agree with many that they just shouldn’t have bothered with Starkiller base, but get over it. The two movies have two things in common. That doesn’t make them the same movie.

Fuck off with that, it subverts most of what it uses from the original series.

Nah, it has perhaps too many reused plot points but it feels like a very different movie and its new characters are very distinct. They also subvert many tropes that people expect from the series (such as Kylo Ren’s inner conflict mirroring but being sort of an inverse of other past characters)

The journey each mission takes you on is the best story you can tell. Remember DayZ? Yea that game had no story and was barely playable but there were articles upon articles on this site of people telling their own stories on what happened during a run.

If I may take a moment just to gush a bit, hehe. Earthbound has been one of only a few RPG's I've played through not only to the end, but then played again several times over. Yet unlike games like Chrono Trigger with multiple endings, Earthbound had just one outcome, but getting there was a freakin' blast.