
Yeah, that’s terrible, unlike Dad running to the national press to try and sabotage his son’s success at work. He seems like a really supportive sweetheart and not at all a manipulative sociopath.

Hi. White male here. Also raised in the burbs. Been pulled over many times and have been extended every courtesy. Most of the time the cops have called me sir and let me off with a warning. Also most times I had weed in my car. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a cop with his hand on his weapon before.

See, driving while White is also dangerous!

Only speaking for me: I think it was an intended insult to belittle James’ inner circle by calling them a posse. Phil did that on purpose and in that context, I too would have taken it as a racial insult. It is one of those racial insults that the receiver knows and feels, but one that the speaker can *easily defend

I think you have to look at it in context and juxtapose the usage. Would Phil say that Mike Pence is in Donald Trump’s posse? I would say no, and therefore in the context, it’s mildly/moderately race related.

It’s like the hustle/gritty/whatever scouting reports. The words are not inherently race related, but those

as a non-white, US born and raised person today, i do not find myself welcome in this country anymore. to tell me to feel otherwise belittles the pain i am experiencing and quite frankly is not a right anyone has to impose upon me. furthermore, i will not let well-intentioned people just sweep away the statement made

I empathize with their economic anxiety but I guess my question is, if I wasn’t a straight white male would empathy even be an option or would they view me as less than human?

Honestly? Not really not now.

The thing that bugs me about it is the same people who complain about “PC” and “safe spaces” get all pissy if you call them bigots.

So the Clinton campaign was garbage even in the primaries is what you’re saying?

Stop. Just stop this now. I supported Hillary in the primaries and the general, and she lost. Blaming Bernie - or attacking him now to make yourself feel better - is nonsensical and pointless.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is that you again?

“Dude literally wrote that cancer is caused by orgasm deficiencies.”

I totally get it - Liberals are too mean. We have to take the high road, but Trump can pretend to be retarded in front of thousands to make fun of someone.  I just find that odd....

Trump is a result of liberals being mean. Understood. I will start wearing my Journalist. Rope. Tree. shirt so everyone knows how loving and respectful I am. Or should I wear the Hillary is a Cunt one? Let me know so I can be nice again.

Trump supporters are wearing shirts calling for lynching journalists, but I say “fuck you” and the world has to come to a screeching halt. Understood. It’s ok to be hateful, AS LONG AS IT ISN’T DIRECTED AT WHITE PEOPLE.

So, to spite me they elect someone they wouldn’t let their wife, sister, daughter, or mother be alone in a room with....?

The next White Male to talk about “PC culture” can seriously go fuck themselves. You are clueless.

Thanks for allowing us to read the full text of his blatant bullshit lie.

We’re definitely not going to need to add Eddie Vedder to that movie.