
I can only hope that these will be clips from the movies with narration by Michael Peña as Luis.

Do you want Sam Worthington? Because that's how you get Sam Worthington.

As much as I want to dunk all over the Republican base and the stupidity and hypocrisy they stand for, I will disagree with you a little bit — a Republican has only won the popular vote once in the last 25 years, in 2004. When it comes to the popular vote, this country has soundly rejected Republican candidates and

I voted for Bernie in California. I missed the memo that the US will never be a progressive country. The last bit of my youthful political naivety is dying, and I now choose the lesser of evils. This isn’t a very smart country when you boil it down.

lol love the idea that the rock is generic. you can say what you will about his acting chops but he’s, at least, a very unique looking and large man.

It’s not really mind blowing when you realize that white men failing upwards is peak America. 

This really strikes me as a come what may style release. Disney likely doesn’t have a lot of faith in the property and is aware its a dead end, so they’re dropping it with a little marketing and seeing what kind of money it makes. 

Considering they put Simon Kinberg in charge of directing Dark Phoenix after he was responsible for writing three of Fox’s worst superhero movies - The Last Stand, Fant4stic, and Apocalypse - I think you’re probably right.

I get the impression that Fox had absolutely no idea what to do with the X-men or why certain X-men films were more well-received and beloved than others. 

I’m with Bernie but I’m not going to talk about issues re: his entry here. I have some nits but I think Michael is pretty fair to Bernie about the blackness of his policy, which is comparatively race-blind. (Bernie does support the same legislation to study reparations as Pete Buttigieg so the statement that he

Has anybody asked the deserving POC that got fu**ed over because Warren lied about her heritage and bypassed them in both education and employment? 

you’re not wrong. watch, im taking names and gender out.

It seems like he may have ranked them first and assigned points afteewards to justify the ranking

I used to think the Cherokee heritage stuff wasn’t a big deal until I started reading articles by Native American activists about it. It’s not disqualifying for me per se but to say her history doesn’t have a “problematic racial past” is totally inaccurate:

History: Warren is the only candidate whose history isn’t marred by a problematic racial past. 

kind of fucked up buttigeig is higher up than bernie is, did you forget he doesnt give a shit about the poc in his small indiana town?

And funny how a Church might be understanding and accommodating of its hugely famous, high profile Hollywood star undergoing a divorce. Bet it isn’t as generous to regular plebs.

These platitudes are so annoyingly and intentionally vague. “My church opens its doors to everyone” well yeah so they can come on inside and learn about how being gay is bad.

Pratt, accurately named as he is, seems intent on ignoring the fact that his Church is very explicitly against gay people’s right to “love who they want free from the judgement of their fellow man.” “Gay accepting, not gay-affirming” is Hillsong’s official line, which translates to “Be gay, but live without romance or

So he doesn’t go to an anti-gay church, he just goes to a “hate the sin, love the sinner” type church when it comes to the gays? They don’t hate gays, they accept them and forgive them?