
It is not correct. Let it go. 

I won’t front like I don’t have my own personal reasons. A HBCU grad who is a member of the AKAs and the Links is an instant side-eye. Even though you might be my skin folk, you ain’t my kinfolk with that combination. Nope.

I would honestly like to know how she feels, now that she is a bit more removed from that job, about the part she’s played in the prison-industrial complex.

fuck this guy. he deserves a show on adult swim!!! I LOVE HIS STUFF

Alternatively, fuck your “civility at all costs” approach. GHWB was NOT a “good” man. He was NOT a “good” president. Just because he’s not as near-universally mocked and reviled as the current Com-Mandarin Chief doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call out where and how he fucked us all.

It’s a good thing you’re out there to rush to the defense of the incredibly powerful white men!

The truth is not ‘pissing on his grave’. Did he or did he not do these things?

We’re just REMEMBERING HIS LEGACY and REFLECTING UPON HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS. This is allllll part of his resume.

So you wish Gold Coast and Rhodesia were still on the map? People were upset about those.

Sadly, no, they are not better than that, and their shameful behavior in this thread proves it. People who have a single racist blind-spot are still racist. 

You sure are getting a lot of hate for pointing out that black women tend to be ignored by the medical profession when they have medical issues, especially as it relates to pregnancy. Granted socioeconomic factors are a part of it but I’m surprised at all of the responses dismissing reality. Some of them must be

I am struggling to find anything in this article that promotes not getting medical care.

This is true Damon, when I went into the hospital for induction. I was treated poorly despite it being my first pregnancy. I was told to shut up and be quiet when the contractions started.

I am amused because all the questions you pose are asked and answered on a multitude of studies. Guess what they show: That minorities receive disparate care even when they account for both commiserate comorbidity AND socio-economic status, that is what multi-variate analysis is for. PubMed is right there at your

Seems like you were wrong.

According to the reports I’ve read, she spoke to a doctor the day before she died.

I’m with you on the sentiment, but you know that the popular vote just doesn’t matter.

We can’t change that by 2020, but we shouldn’t stop talking about it.