
The Prestige TV Show Hot Take Economy is extremely bad and dumb, but so is arguing that the way that we talk about and depict our world in fiction is irrelevant and not worth talking about in general. Granted that many people do it in a way that is stupid and wearying - that doesn’t invalidate the broader principle

They don’t dip into the endowment, they use the interest income. Treating food service staff like garbage in an expensive city like Boston is appalling, it’s the whole rich vs the serfs attitude that’s hollowed out the middle class and completely screwed the working poor. Harvard most certainly can afford this. Do you

ya and you aren’t running that college without dining services. These people deserve a living wage just like everyone else, and 35k isn’t that crazy for a school with that kind of wealth

Uh, the endowment should generate close to $1B a year in interest, not counting capital gains (which should be closer to $2B a year). They can certainly afford to pay the workers more without significantly impacting the growth of the endowment, let alone “dip into” it.

Stop, stop. We don’t need more reasons to like him.

An endowment of 35 BILLION.

Nothing screams “give us more for our already massive endowment” like mistreating current employees though, right?

Paying 600 people 3 thousand dollars more a year isnt going to make much of a dent in 35 billion.

The point is that they can afford it. You don’t expect someone with a private jet to pay bar tab with jet fuel; the point is that they can easily afford to pay the tab because they can afford to own a jet.

Be! Pedantic! B-E Pedantic!

Take your star, you jerk.

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

Title NEIN

It would have been a penalty on Montgomery had he gone out of bounds then been the first to touch it after coming back into play. But since he never did come back in bounds, he’s good.

Doesn’t the article already answer this question?

That’s for a player that goes out of bounds and comes back in bounds.

You could change out “football” to “boxing” in there and date it 1985 and this suddenly becomes a lot more scary to those of us used to actually enjoying watching even the worst football games.

Someone: “You should spend more money so your product is better.”

Young men who are skilled at football tend to be skilled at other athletic pursuits as well. What’ll happen is that you’ll gradually see more and more guys who might’ve gone to college on football scholarships instead going into other sports, sports that generally don’t carry the risk of making you both a cripple and a