
Bradley has runs a lot because he feels guilty for giving up the ball. Evvvverrryyy time.

Japan was much better 4 years ago, what happened? They changed coach and regressed.

So, you are telling me that Donovan couldn't perform at Bradley's level?

Can we go ahead and give Jones the US player of the World Cup award? Look at him late in the game, he will be the only one hustling to the ball. I mean really hustling.

Secretary: Ma'am, a phone call for you.
Mary Barra: Hello.
Dr Evil: Ten Billion Dollars.

I came into work this morning and asked my coworker if he'd watch the game. He said,"No, and no one cares about soccer."

I am typing because I lost my voice.

Wow, with hurt players on Portugal, US has a legitimate chance! They better Carpe Diem this bitch.

Good luck to her and this is absolutely cool!

Game of Thrones giants, meet tiny kicking lady.

Wow, Japan looked tired and lifeless in the second half.

This thing, this World Cup thing happens once every 4 years. Do you know how hard it is to score a goal in soccer? Extremely hard when the other team is also the number 1 ranking team in the World (currently). It was amazing to see Netherlands absolutely destroy Spain.

While pretty cool, that was 50-50 luck.

Nope, not a penalty in any sport. Sorry, I was cheering Croatia because I like to cheer for the underdogs.

Now playing

Dr Slump & Arale. Every Saturday morning in Thailand oh so many years ago. You can watch all the episodes on youtube!

Man, I love that movie!

I don't like the look of the new Bonneville motorcycles...

I want one, pretty please.

Go to Thailand, you can find her in almost every Kratuey bar.

I wish more athletes are more like him.