
The first trailer, I was like, meh.

Big mistake. You are the first openly gay football player to be drafted, and what do you do? You are about to turn it into a circus.

Ford Filly

The 249th pick went to a gay dude, he was happy and kissed his partner. It is not an issue. The 248th pick might be a little pissed that his story didn't get any play.

Mostly because people are not listening to progressive rock/metal. 20+ minute song? Yep, I am going to listen to that whole song!

Every Saturday morning, I park my butt right in front of the TV, waiting patiently for Doraemon to show up when I was a kid in Thailand.... oh so many years ago.

Orange you glad I didn't paint it banana?

Nope, there are many car reviewers that are toned down. It is nice to have a "weird" one.

I'm ready.

Thailand no AC bus. The extreme heat and humidity along with a whole bunch of sweaty people... I lived there for a long time, beautiful place and people.

This show was a big no for me. King Authur... poon hound brat, back stabbed his best friend for Guinevere (who wouldn't right?). Oh no!!! They are attacking our town! Send our forces! 6 guys showed up. I agree that Eva Green was awesome, also how lady in the lake came to be was pretty cool. I believe the show

Well, it is a system that only works with a certain culture mindset. I was embarrassed to say that if I live in Japan, I would have 10 of those bicycle sitting at my house. Why? I have no idea.

Yes, near any train station, there are hundreds and hundreds of bicycles. My Japanese wife told me that some of those bikes are "borrow bikes". You can use it but return it to a train station. Kinda cool, I think.

They walk a lot. I was in Japan 6 times, about 10 days each time. I ate a lot of good food, and walked everywhere. I actually lost weight each time I was there.

Slope means something bad about me? I am born in Thailand, lived there for 19 years. Had NOOOOOO idea slope meant anything bad. Learn something new everyday. BTW, she can go get bent. Wait... is "get bent" a derogatory word for Indians because of Dhalsim?

Acura, Acura. Here, sit down, let me tell you what you are doing wrong.

Highway mouth love is perfect in a Maita.

I drove one on the autobahn. From Germany to Luxemburg and into Brussels, Belgium. That bridge in the background divides Luxemburg and Belgium. Amazing time in this like Aygo. Aygo? It went!