
Punch and run.

Hmm... now I have to reconsider when my Japanese wife says my Thai cooking is ichi-ban. Is she saying I am an Isopod?

This is so enjoyable. So you are watching this, thinking, wow... does he really know this? Or is he the greatest bullsh*tter of all time??

I started to watch this show... Love the alien designs, the living ship concept, and how many times can the character die??

I think the blame has to be fan out equally into 3 parts. The NFL, the teams, and the players.

They are super tasty though, ate a bunch of them while I was living in Thailand.

My nomination, Akira... it blew my mind.

Recent news of Norway killing a bunch of whales... not this baleen mother trucker!!

Lincoln Navigator... keeping it simple, 2002 simple.

I'll take the Hatchback please!

Security guard: Hell of a game man!Campbell: BOOM!

Does not matter at all, because we will screw it up.

***SPOILERS*** (maybe)

Looks like an updated (and uglier) version of a Citroen. It is weird looking and I like it.

Is that a hatchback?? Masturbating in anticipation.

Out of all these cars, I'll take that NSX please.

Kung Fu Hustle, I can't believe nobody said Kung Fu Hustle. Please turn on the water.

Damn it, why did I click that.....

Yes, yes... I am moist just looking at that.

Man, it is really amazing that he was Stringer Bell.