Ray Sharkey's Ghost

That is true - she is a TERRIBLE interviewer.

This movie inspired my single favorite line of film criticism, by the NY Times' Terrence Rafferty: "(Gould) is a hard-edged line drawing in the middle of a runny watercolor."

Wain had some of the best sketches. They would sneak up on you.

I always felt kinda bad for Todd Holoubek. He started the troupe to begin with and he had basically nothing to do on the show. Apparently he didn't even write that many sketches. In all fairness he was not funny so it's understandable.

Ma ma ma ma!!!

I am not a Piers fan but his comeback was decent: "I only pay attention to people if they're interesting enough." Handler emphatically is not so I think he has a point.

If you listen to the commentaries, a few of the members say they basically were trying to be funny in every scene even if the character or sketch didn't call for it. It's very apparent sometimes.

For some reason I find "H's and M's" absolutely hysterical.

I forget which comp it was on, but in high school I heard the Hi-Standard cover of "California Dreamin'" more than any other song. It was the first song on one of the more popular comps and every time I got in someone's car they'd put it in.

That's right! I actually have that book but I totally forgot about that.

I really wish "Shadows and Fog" had been a good movie. All the elements were in place but Allen forgot to write an actual screenplay.

I hope they fired whoever was responsible for that "Perfect Day" commercial.

People think it's just being contrarian but to me it really is his best movie.

The Gentleman Bastard guy is in my opinion the worst writer on the internet.

That's true but she was quite gorgeous.

I know! Terrifying…

I really want to like Tim Roth. But I just don't.

I didn't like "Watchmen" but the upside of this is that Snyder didn't use his "imagination" that much in making the film. We all saw what happened when does, in the form of "Sucker Punch."

Does anyone else think it's weird that "Blue Jasmine" wasn't nominated this year? Could it really be Woody backlash? Because I didn't even see "Philomena" but I know it's better than that.

I didn't like it either but Brendan Gleeson's beard is pretty bitchin'.