Ray Sharkey's Ghost

This is officially the most bizarre thing I have read on this website.

Well these are clearly the two coolest, non-douchiest people I could ever imagine. If they can't make it work what hope is there for the rest of us!

No role for Sims?

Another good scene is the strip club scene. Like the Red Letter Media guys said in their review, in the hands of a different director that scene probably would have been dumb and loud and cliche. Refn made the rather daring decision to trust the audience to stay with him in this movie, and it's obvious many of them

Lindy Lane. Don't ask me how I know.

That stuff was insane. If you got it on your hands it dried in approx. 3 seconds and was stickier than Elmer's glue.

I really hate digital video. It doesn't always look as bad as this but it just has that kind of hyper-real, too-close-for-comfort quality that is not filmic at all and drives me nuts.

Francis Ford Coppola, ladies and gentlemen.

His genius is best suited to making Pinot Noir and eating lasagna these days.

Oh, I guess Dennis Perkins just cherry-picked the good stuff. That's too bad.

This looks almost "The Room" level bad. Maybe it will live on as a midnight cult movie. "A black basketball player" - really, what were they thinking?

Chadwick Boseman is poised to be this generation's Leon.

Oh yeah he was great, he's just been so far off the radar for so long now it's hard to believe.

It's Texas, so it carries a punishment of a fine, a year in jail and/or the death penalty.

It's funny to think of a world where Robert Klein was a big name, but alas that was a real place at one time.

That sketch was so mean-spirited. I still remember it.

That would be awesome. Maybe they could do Crime Story too since it was on around the same time and featured a lot of the same actors.

I didn't mind him as Luthor. I minded that the script gave him absolutely nothing to actually do.

That story arc on "Wiseguy" is one of the best things I've ever seen on TV. It almost seems a little boring at first, after my amazing story arc, but the Mel Profitt one just ups the ante on every level. You think you know where it's going, then it goes somewhere else, then it just keeps getting deeper and bigger than

I'd like to see a Garfield minus Jon strip. Then it would be about a neurotic neglected cat living alone in a house. Garfield minus Odie could be interesting too. Then it would be like the cat is harassing and talking about an imaginary being. Like others said, nearly any variation on the original is funnier and more