Tom Hanks' Character From The 'Burbs

Nah, I didn’t do any research. Someone linked me to an article that explained how the store coped with the accident, and the info that the driver was a man happened to be in it.

For me it was the lame sexist joke about women drivers that was annoying.

Wrong fruit too - the driver was a man.

Couple of things... the big one is they may have already utilized it in the form of blackmail against various RNC people, which lead to many of them chugging balls already.

Covert, foreign meddling to this degree should be seen as kind of a big deal.

Bob the intern was parking the TIE fighter, and accidentally flew into the shot.

You’ve just answered your own question. Ask yourself by what margin did Trump win ?

The CIA and FBI have high confidence in those assertions; only the NSA is moderate - and likely only because they rely almost solely on electronic intel and generally don’t have the human assets (agents & informants) of the other two in place to further corroborate the data.

It’s actually a specific term in intelligence.

But now that they are probably aware, and considering the intensity of these allegations regarding the organizers, it is very reasonable to expect the performers to go on the offensive ahead of the event. I will be a little disappointed if Beyoncé or Kendrick or Lorde don’t address this before Coachella and they damn

Social Security is not an “entitlement program” it’s a god damn fund that we all pay taxes into so that we can get that money back in retirement and old age. We could fix it in one REAL easy step...by removing the cap on what income is put into it. But the 1% always scream about that when it comes up.

“I voted for Obama both times, he doubled the debt in those eight years. Wake the fuck up.”

Nice numbers! You forgot to mention that the VAST majority, dwarfing everything else combined twice over, is defense. You can lump anything in with defense and do that. “Grants on field mice and Defense spending are 58% of the budget! Field Mice grants are out of control!

You’re wrong my friend! Entitlement benefits are NOT part of the “budget spending”! It is an entirely self-funded program. Stop listening to MSM and do some actual research! If Congress would stop stealing from the S. S. account to pay for regime change military programs and start taxing “ALL” income for Social

You said “Social Security: Last year, 24 percent of the budget, or $888 billion, paid for Social Security, which provided monthly retirement benefits averaging $1,342 to 40 million retired workers in December 2015.”

You are right. He did double the debt. Here is a question for you, however. When and how was that debt accumulated? The majority of it was spent to bail us out of the financial crisis and to pay for the war he inherited. Obama has not been a profligate spender. He had to deal with the chaos he was handed. You

No Obama didn’t double the debt. Congress did. They have power of the purse.

Question one:

Do you know the difference between debt and deficit?

Hillary is not a lying crook, unless you’re stuck in Fox/Conspiracy land.

Bullshit. Bring in more revenue. Obamacare extended the solvency of Medicare by over a decade. Tens of millions of people rely on Social Security as their only source of income. Cutting benefits puts them out on the streets to die.