Ray Butler


I don’t fancy Elba as Bond. Not for racey nonsense reasons, but because I don’t think he’s right for the part. Black Bond? Four words:

They are a long time ago, but they cast a long shadow. They altered the DNA of pop composition in a way that can be still heard today. Not sure the same could be said for Rudee, great as he was.

Well said. 

It’s unkind and entirely inaccurate to call Graham Linehan a bigot. He has simply committed the modern heresy of suggesting that a very complex issue does not reduce neatly to two sides. Please, A.V. Clubbers, read up on emotive allegations made in comments rather than just accepting them immediately. If you want to

I’ll third that motion. So nihilistic - people are better than this show argues. I’m not doing another 13 (admittedly very well made) hours to be told the world is a terrible place full of terrible people. It’s not.


Glad you overcame your no doubt deeply held views and gave Whedon’s work a fair viewing. Must have been tough!

Chiwetel Ejiofor & Keira Knightley

George C. Scott!

Gotta say, I always found this guy super-pretentious, smug and dislikable. Like we needed another Ricky Gervais. He’ll be ok tho, comedy will take him back in a year or two.

Exactly how many reasons do people need to just get the fuck off this insidious data-harvesting digital marketing platform masquerading as a means of keeping in touch with friends? Facebook is scum.

I fucking love US journalism. Be proud, my American friends, be proud.

I, for one, was really glad to see Superman back on the screen after an 11 year absence.

Thanks for your reply.

I have great sympathy for Zack Snyder, which is unrelated to his film career. His DCU movies are dreadful.

Hot take: did the AV Club really have to acknowledge this?

I second this - Superman Returns is the 2nd best depiction of Supes on screen. Then the Fleischer cartoons, then the Reeve sequels, then every other depiction anywhere ever, then a dream I had once and then - and only then - the WB/Snyder shitshows of recent years.

Well spotted. It’s actually his self-aggrandisement that put me off him. I could only watch about two eps of his show, and couldn’t help noticing that in any conflict, his character was always proved right in the end. Not a healthy view of oneself to have.