Ray Butler

Well done, AV Club. We give these people waaay too much money for them to be autocratic, free-speech threatening jerks. Keep it up!

Audience members are allowed to dislike something and not be ‘bad’. They may just disagree with you. Free country etc.

This is pretty much spot-on, good review. It’s an unabashed comedy, which is great. If it’s gonna be superhero movies from now til actual doomsday, it’s good to know they can split into sub-genres. And damn, Goldblum was fantastic!

What are you and Danabajillion trying to do with this civil disagreement - give the internet a good name?

The TV show tried to make him sympathetic, despite being a flat-out murderer. He’s a horrible character of no worth, for reasons others here have expressed well.

Laura was saved at the end of Fire Walk With Me - if this undid that, I’m not happy.