
Love me some Amy. Got a prob with this vid.

Paul’s Dad voted against it, fair to say that statement doesn’t follow the facts.

Wash your mouth out. Dolly Parton! Loretta Lynn! Tammy Wynette! The Dixie Chicks! June Carter! Gillian Welch!

Is that what Muhammad looked like or is it just a recreation? It... kinda just looks like Jesus with a green headscarf.

People who like SNL don’t care where their laughs come from because they’re bereft of a sense of humor.

How isn’t he better than her on this? Even posturing to look better makes you better on something than someone who regularly supports civil liberties being trampled.

HRC has an authoritarian streak. She sponsored a bill that would make flag-burning a crime (but, in typical HRC fashion, said she was against a flag-burning amendment to the Constitution). She sponsored another bill that would make it illegal to sell an M-rated video game to a minor. This bill would almost certainly

Let’s just see Bernie on the case too, and close the ideological loop.

Should embarrass Democrats.

Paul is better on this than most Democrats, especially HRC.

Are we sure he isn’t referring to the fact that much of Game of Thrones’ events and political climates are based off of specific events in european history such as the War of the Roses and the Hundred Years War?

Isn’t GOT loosely based on the War of Roses or am i just completely wrong? That does happen occasionally.

Clickbait won. I clicked to be annoyed at Renner, I rolled my eyes at the overly critical blogger instead.

wait, so are yall really mad? Cuz when your fav chris evans said it, every single one of you bitches were like

Maybe he did forget her daughter’s name. Is that the end of the world?

Don't forget the pet moms today.

Agreed 100%. Saying that Hillary being President would in itself be great for women is akin to saying that the election of President Obama was great for the Black community.

Her simply being in office doing women’s issues a world of good is bullshit. Pick up a history book and read about social norms; some of the biggest supporters and reinforcers of the standards of patriarchy were, and still are, women. History is littered with women rulers who only expanded or maintained the power of

There are still Barnes & Nobles?

Her entire claim is based on her allegation that she was either drugged, or too inebriated, to give consent. The toxicology report, as well as eyewitness testimony from her friends, contradicts this. I doubt she will win, and I doubt Winston will win his Counterclaim. The only winner will be Winston’s attorney