
Also?? I don’t really think Natalie Portman is that great of an actress??

And people were giving us shit for hating on Yoko yesterday. Point: haterz.


I just feel like there’s some rockstar BBC actress toiling away in the period drama ghetto who could do wonders with this part.

Until Portman gives me a refund for Black Swan, I won’t see her movies. She probably supports that idea because of false gods.

Oh no. She’d better not be good, otherwise there’s another gold idol in her house.

“Feminism Consultant”. Hmmm... maybe I should switch careers. Does it pay well?

Am I the only one who thought that True Detective was insanely boring?

Not terribly related, but:

Ok manspreading needs to end, but I am also behind banning people from taking inordinately large purchases home on subways.

The guys who wrote these letters are definitely asswipes, but they’re not 100% wrong either.

She looks like a beautiful sexy alien with her hair the way it is. You are very wrong.

That’s just the wrongest thing anyone has ever written on the internet, ever.

I think it’s sexy. Very, very sexy.

Everyone loves a nice curl.
