I actually have a punching bag! Maybe I should have used that instead. :/
I actually have a punching bag! Maybe I should have used that instead. :/
Dude, you can't categorize my entire life as being unhappy because of a few comments I made during finals week. C'mon.
Ugh, look, no hard feelings. It's been a hard week. :(
Another assumption on your part. I happen to be blissfully happy. Disagreeing with people does not make them unhappy.
Dude, just stop. I don't care anymore. I glanced at the first paragraph and I'll say that I never said it was a HORRIBLE generalization, did I? But no one likes to be categorized, especially if it's a stereotype. Thin-skinned? I guess I just don't like to be stereotyped and to have people casually throw out rape…
"Cause women are calmer, more logical thinkers, yes?" - that is a generalization on gender.
You are acting like a spoiled child and this response proves it. I never once insulted your character, called you a pejorative name, made sweeping generalizations about your gender, or invoked rape to get my point across. This is nothing but bullying at this point.
Yes, YOU come on a WOMEN'S site and tell us how we are supposed to feel about a stupid fucking comment you made. Shut the fuck up.
that line would've been sarcastic had it not been just a rewording of your original statement.
omg, honey, I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can't even imagine.
omg, and she gave birth while down there. I was hoping I wouldn't hear that. As if being held in a basement for a decade wasn't enough.
that's the feeling I got. Maybe they are trained not to be emotional, but that operator seemed just...bothered by the whole thing. "We'll send a car when we get one free." Are you joking? Uh, she just told you she managed to escape after being imprisoned for 10 years, ya think you wanna make it a priority.
screen shot? :)
"I'm trying to revolutionize the way women are viewing themselves"
I'm vegan (10 years) and as soon as a friend or relative finds out I don't have a juicer, I get one for my birthday. I think juicing is a scam. You put in whole pieces of fruit and veggies, extract the sugar and discard the pulp, essentially creating a 500 calorie sugar drink. Eating 5 oranges is going to fill you up…
Thank you for reminding me about crush videos! Except, not! :(
ice-blue velour? Yes, please!
ugh, so many bad feelings about my prom. I was never a joiner. I never knew my school fight song and got a policy changed where it was no longer mandatory that all students attend pep rallies. I abhored all that shit. ( I watched a lot of Daria).
I would let them wear what they wanted. My 9 year old niece still walks around the house without a shirt and she has a brother. I don't find it strange.