
Nope. I nursed when my son had plenty of teeth and that never happened.

I wonder if the green beans are commercially jarred. Commercial food is fine, but my son and I did taste tests with the supermarket food and homemade purees and the homemade ones were so much tastier. I know not every family has the time to do that, but it really tastes worlds better.

Again, there is no need to be graphic. My son has never seen an image of a bloody animal, but he knows what death is. Death is a natural part of life and I learned what it was when I was 4 and my hamster died. It didnt traumatize me. It was actually kinda peaceful and made sense. There is a way to simply and

but there are still way more herbies than animals who eat meat. there has to be or the food web wouldnt work

uh, luckily that's not how most of us talk about meat-eaters and threats are not apart of my household


I dont think it's a 'tactic' at all. Unfortunately, you can't explain how meat gets to be meat without talking about what happens. My nieces and nephew really believe that the animals they eat died of old age and I think that's really unfortunate. Yes, I think the book is a tad graphic, but at least it's not lying,

I love that you noticed that. Personally, I believe that if your action causes harm to another being, it ceases to be just your choice. My father and i recently had this discussion about smoking which he thinks is his choice alone, but I argued that it affects everyone around him, therefore, it's not just his choice.

Right. I wouldnt show my kid this book. I mean, he knows that animals die for food but has never seen an image of it. He has knowledge, but not the images which traumatized me as a 20 year old. That's just not fair.

i get jabs too - I was a vegan in TEXAS. TEXAS. I've been vegan for 10 years and I have heard it all and I am not unaware of what my kid will go through. I am also not unaware that he will probably try meat sometime in his life.

some animals eat each other. some dont. there are actually far more herbivores in the world than omnivores. and we dont think omnis dont love veggies. you are very defensive.

i dont understand the point in these personal anecdotes of former vegetarians are. It's like omnivores are trying to rack up points? I dunno.

right? Thank you!

don't see how it's 'militant'. i think the book is a little heavy but at least it's informed. I have actually never met a meat-eating child who knew where their food came from and how it got there.

My nieces and nephew also love cow and when I asked them about it, they said that cows live in beautiful pastures and die of old age. Not very informed, and come to find out, it's similar to what a lot of kids believe.

well, we're not all like that. awesome!

my 5 year old asks for kale chips. it's really not weird

"Roth has a stepdaughter, Akira, who declares: "My favorite food is kale." Probably because she can't eat McNuggets?" – you say that like it’s a bad thing.

Yes, so since you can't be perfect, don't try at all

I thought Beyonce's letter kinda sucked. She pointed to Michelle Obama's relation to other people (wife, mother) and said nothing of how she attended Princeton and Harvard Law. Mrs. Obama is amazing in her own right, not just how she raises children or how nicely she hangs as an ornament on a man's arm.