Rayce Archer

pretty sure this was an episode of the Ducktales reboot

Me over here having a conundrum over the rise of AI and if a century down the line we will have a race of semi-sentient beings on our hands.

Record Prodcuers:

You should see the original Japanese version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- or as they are well-known in Japan, My Mystical Sempai Kappa. They're completely different! The second season they go to Avalon and meet King Arthur!

In 1999 I watched the blurry shakey-cam Saban Moon trailer video for the first time. When it was finished, my PC abruptly blue screened, and I was forced to reinstall Windows. I remain convinced that my PC was trying to commit technological suicide after being forced to process that video, and I have never attempted

I think it’s simply reduced expectations. We get angry at Konami because we know the great things they have. We get angry at EA, Square and Ubisoft because they have a strangle hold over some iconic franchises they enjoy running into the ground.

It is for the lower speed times like 0-10

I have never waited so patiently for something to be revealed over my entire life—a solid year for the Dodge muscle car EV to be unveiled and now here we are.

Maybe not the actual Preston Garvey, but what about a synth duplicate?

Chevy Bolt owners have reported that the car stops too hard using regenerative braking that it sets these things off also. 

um doing tourist things.. why do you ask?

Tracking device from the FBI. Where were you on 01/06?

ha ha! they thought they were going 2B on a date with her.

I've never read it, but doesn't the third dream sequence make fun of Khomeini? I wonder if that's what really got him the fatwa.

Yeah, basically the Iranian religious nut Ayatollah Khomeini, in 1989 decided, likely without reading it, that the book was evil and blasphemous against Islam, and declared a fatwa on everyone involved in the publishing of the book. Basically a religious legal declaration that everyone involved should be murdered or

stating she killed her mom

Be cooler to have the straight up Futura for sure. Shades of mid 60's T-Bird in the nose.

Good points. I had a line in my reply about $10k possibly being fair and reasonable, but I don’t know where the market values these cars. I also think that by making that statement, that I’d sound elitist. I think there’s a place for any gearhead who wants more than daily transportation, if they have the room for

The number of fucks I have to give about Russia and the inconvenience they’re facing after invading Ukraine has long ago passed absolute zero.

To each their own, but I’d run from a Fiat. I get the nostalgia. I had one for a very short period of time. The day of acquisition was happy, despite knowing I stepped into a pile of doo doo. The day I passed it along was even happier. Of all of the vehicles I’ve owned, the Fiat was the only one I do not regret

Mine stayed broken all the time. Bought new.