Rayce Archer

Yeah, the XLR looked like a Concept Car to me. As much as I complain when concepts get watered down to production, I think the XLR suffered for it. Maybe that’s not irony, maybe that Cadillac design language was just ugly.


It only has 4 mainline games. If 2 or 3 of them are good... that’s pretty great! Deus Ex, amazing, Invisible War, bad, Human Revolution, great, Mankind Divided, okay. There are properties with much worse hit rates than that that get more chances.

My dream game would be to have Arkane make a Deus Ex.

Conversely, don’t bring it back because it’s a series that is so consistently mistreated that it only really has two or three genuinely good games.

I’m pretty sure he’s doing the new Dodge Ram commercials, too.

I’m all for more Elias Toufexis, he just has such a unique voice. Immortals threw me off because of the accent, but when I came across him in both The Expanse and Horizon my immediate reaction was “Holy shit, that’s Adam Jensen!”

Only if you give your character a corkscrew penis 

If you’ve never seen the first one, you’re gonna see one of the greatest homoerotic big budget action movies of all time.

Just googled pictures of BRZ Rally and they not only look cool, but they seem to perform well too.  Not a bad solution for this guy’s situation considering the used car market today.

No joke!

It’s one of the greatest cheesefests ever made. It’s so over the top, it uses Kenny Loggins “Danger Zone” three times. It’s so melodramatic, it uses Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away” four times.

It plugs into a computer and has minimum requirements, it isnt a stand alone anything, its a $300 peripheral.

Yeah, I don’t have an opinion on Heard, but this is a really bad look for ACLU.

The real answer is a rack for your BRZ.

Every time I see the words “Diablo Cody” I cannot help but hear Dr. Evil’s famous words: “There’s nothing more pathetic than an ageing hipster”. 

This game is going to make billions of dollars.

Me too movement created by Tarana Burke: 2006.

The key is, they didn’t provide their own video evidence of their crimes.

It’s largely because these guys grew up listening to their dads and grandads joke about being bullying assholes and pulling stunts like this, and how the sheriff would give it a wink and a nod and do nothing, and it would just be a funny story to tell later.