Rayce Archer

EXACTLY!! Then take those Round headlights, mount them to mechanically hiding housings, Pop-up housings, if you will. Now you’ve got a happy face car!

I love arthouse/indie/transgressive film, but have always really despised the work of David Cronenberg. I’m not even entirely certain why. Then he did a handful of films “outside” of his normal thing (i.e., Spider, History of Violence, Eastern Promises) and friends told me, “these aren’t *Cronenbergian* films, give

I hate how Biden invaded Ukraine and also told big oil to raise gas prices. He clearly did it. We should impeach him.

I’m sure he has a lot to say about masks and COVID too. It’s funny how something as small as a sticker can tell you everything you need to know about a person.

Hopefully your tombstone won’t read “he got regularly outraged on behalf of sexual harassers”

one “fun” thing GB did is how...defeating the raid boss is similar to completing the rune challenge. so for barkenstein, you did the green rune which is hitting those spores from the mushroom before they hit the ground. similar concept to help defeat barky during the actual fight which i’m sure you can recall :D

The *best* part is actually Mr Torgue’s ‘blessing’.

sure thing. blue, yellow and green. if they appear they’ll be near where the portals spawn when you complete an area so you don’t have to search the entire map.

Oh MAN that’s so cool!!! I was wondering what exactly those runes were for, thx for the tip

and if you didn’t know, if you find all 3 hidden runes on walls (which is random to appear) you’ll fight the true hidden raid boss.

wHaT dOeS tHiS hAvE tO dO wItH cArS? 

I feel like these option packages are akin to the 90s/00s “outdoor clothing” trim fad.

I was about to make a crack about “any excuse to pimp those bezels,” then I noticed the working reflections and immediately forgave you.

Too Soon? LOL

Their apple watch games lineup is killer, allegedly.

consulate* not that it changes your core point

Lets not even talk about female journalists, being treated even worse than now? (Is that possible ??)

It’s a cutthroat business