Rayce Archer

I wish I had a good chronic masturbator joke at the moment, they always come in handy.

man saw Louis CK got away with it and figured he could too.

Blockchain is always a rug pull. The goal is to be the person not standing on the rug when it gets yanked.

IE: Pyramid scheme

“Jared Jared Jared 'Action!' ARAAARGHGRGH 'Cut!' Jared Jared Jared..."

imagine the outburst Olivier would have had, had he known 50 years after Marathon Man actors would still be being pains in the ass AND getting accolades for it LOL

“My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?”

The more Lucky Dice you find in an area doesnt make the loot rarer from other Lucky Dice in the area.


Another journalist dumped the whole car into a ditch, earning it a brand-new front end and those are the just the spills we know about on the final wave of journalists.

Does it have a particularly bad connotation outside the US? I find plenty of name brands I can get for cheaper than at other stores, and they have rotating goods that can often be pretty good. Don’t really get the hate on it. 

Same here—I really would have just rocked a whole suite of Jakobs guns but that would have been redundant, so it made more sense to have a primary weapon (pistol or rifle) that I liked the feel of for a majority of engagements, then the other three slots were both elemental and different styles meant for specific

Of course you’d defend this show, Ms. Moon!

Michigan Highway Patrol officers stumbled onto a local rust mine. Local news outlets and the department reports that a two-month-long investigation led authorities to a home where $2.30 worth of rusted Jeeps (35 in total) were stored.

Skeleton Man, Skeleton Man, inside there’s an entire skeleton, man! Wrapped in meat like other men, scary thing, Skeleton Man.
:accordion solo:

Skeleton Man? I got a bone to pick with that guy!

All things being equal, winter tires will perform better than all-season tires in wintry conditions.

Manual transmissions are overrated for daily driving.

Station wagons are better than SUV’s.