The thing you need to understand is that Congress has historically had very little interest in representing the American people. This is because you are, by and large, not their constituents.
Trump supporters have almost no literal engagement with the man. They have constructed a fictional character AROUND the public identity of Donald Trump that mirrors their own values, and they filter anything he does through that fictional character. It’s a bit like how a lot of Biden enthusiasts honestly thought he…
A lot of people will be all “bluh bluh but NASA had wammans forever I saw that math movie” to which the answer is “NASA had women early on for the same reason a lot of electronics companies did: rote mathematics and computer maintenance was considered drudge work that was beneath men.”
In the past I’ve likened Elon Musk to America’s Albert Speer, but I guess he’s more like Gen-X’s Henry Kissinger. Only without an education, or speaking ability, or a decent sense of fashion.
You know, if Aston Martin wants to drop a new platform with experimental technology, they already have a nameplate just for that...
If you think this is a good deal, you should see how little you can lease a real truck for!
It’s important to remember that Donald Trump is not an economist. He isn’t even a very good businessman - his liquidity is tied up in property, the value of which is (according to his recent court cases) largely fraudulent, and most of which is being used as collateral to obtain spending money from banks, chiefly Deuts…
Financially this is a really bad idea, but as a lover of cool stuff I whole-heartedly endorse it.
So normally I would come on here and call conservatives a bunch of pejoratives, but I’ve had a number of social media interactions that make me think perhaps people legitimately don’t understand how economics and government budgets work. So this is going to be a rare, good-faith attempt from me to explain this stuff…
I’ve noticed that as the administration gets worse and worse, their simps are less and less vocal on social media, and more aimlessly vindictive when they do show up.
And nobody - NOBODY - raises prices for nonsense corollary reasons like the oil industry. Tidal wave in Philippines? Gas gets more expensive. Russia invades Ukraine? Gas gets more expensive. Gas is too expensive? Gas gets more expensive.
Trump just fired a bunch of the FAA, and even before this, there has been a historic shortage of air traffic controllers. This airport in particular has been forced to operate with a skeleton crew for years.
Just to paint a really clear picture of all this: the president shredded a regulatory agency on behalf of a foreign expat who gave him a ton of money, then blamed a horriffic accident that agency was meant to prevent on gays, women, and black people.